Chapter 14

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Rosie's POV

  "Are you fucking crazy?! Why did you carry me like a sack of potatoes?! Do you even value human sensitivity?"  I screamed at her by the time we reached a little too far from the party. My stomach really got sore after all that running.

   "Do you prefer your skull being crushed into a pomelo juice instead?!" I rolled my eyes and sighed in defeat. Of coarse I don't.

    "They're probably looking for me by now." I muttered under my breath as I grabbed my phone from my purse to try and call Denisse.

   "Shit." I whispered under my breath seeing my phone already dead which means I could not contact or be contacted by Denisse. 

   "I've texted them already and Ruby probably reported the case to the authorities about that guy." My brow rose in curiosity.

  "Who's this Ruby?" She gave me a look of disbelief as if my question would be something to be baffled about.

  "You're telling me you guys were talking for awhile now and you never tell each other's names? Unbelievable." She said as she slowly took my hand and looked at it very closely to check on my knuckle that was used to punch the guy.

  Oh... So that's the bartender's name.

  "Wait, how did you know we were talking for awhile?" I asked. Instead of answering my question, she remained silent. 

   "You ask too many questions." She said. I retrieved my knuckles out of her grip and glared down at her. She looked at me with the same furrowed brows.

   "I was just checking your wound. You don't have to be mean about it. You've been mean to me everytime I stand next to you within 3 feet away." I scoffed at her sudden whiny behavior.

   "You're such a baby." I muttered under my breath in displeasure. She took my hand closer to her again to look at my already swollen knuckles and unexpectedly blew on it for the pain to subside. I watched how she moved her lips inches closer to my hand and I sudden felt that warm tingling air soothing my hand.

   Even though her hand is also a little swollen, she looked after mine first. It did trigger my heart. A lot. This is a disadvantage.

   Why is she so nice and caring? She's pretty much a package. Rich, handsome, charming, rides one of the most coolest motorbikes, saved my life and plays guitar. But at what expense does that come with? Oh yeah, sharing this package with probably a millions of girls.

  It's not fair. She had a girlfriend and this is not right. She's dragging me straight to the tip of the cliff and here I am wishing the fall wouldn't be too high and that I will eventually fall on flowery meadows.

   I opened my palm infront of her and wait for her to do something about it. She looked at my hand for a minute before breaking into a slight chuckle.

  "What's wrong? What do you want?" She asked. "You got candy?" I asked. This time, she broke into a fits of laugh.

  "Now YOU'RE a baby." She said, shaking her head in amusement. "I have some in my bag but it's left back at the party. Too bad, you can't have one when you needed it." She teasingly shrugged.

   I pouted and looked out the crashing sea.

  "Jesus, fine. Let's get you some candy." She suddenly stood up and teasingly rolled her eyes. My eyes widened upon her statement.

  "No. I'm fine. L-Let's just stay here." I quickly grabbed her arm to stop.

   There is no way she's going back to that party knowing that the creep from the bar's there, probably roaming around and finding us.

Ear Candy - A WLW FictionWhere stories live. Discover now