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Remiel's Pov

Another morning at school while I was almost excited for a new day with Cassy. Even though, I had dropped all my negative thoughts about the other side character, Ethan, playing with her in such familiar manner, it still disturbed my mind to know who he was. Cassidy definitely ignored or budged each time i asked a question about him, but I chose not to interfere as it was still the early stages. The conversation with my best friend kept ringing in my head so I decided not to loose focus, and go right after what I want, even though I didn't know it yet.
  All these thoughts filled my head while I was in the bathroom as I locked the shower, taking a long sigh, walking meekly out of the bathroom. I opened my cupboard in confusion of what I was going to wear. It was going to be a sunny day according to my phone's weather forecast, I didn't want to be slimy or full of sweat as I brought out of my favourite big white animated top and a baggy black jean. I remember the last time I wore such outfit was at my best friend's birthday party while I got one for each of us. I smiled as I recalled the event while getting dressed up, I became confident in my wears when I looked at the mirror, spraying my usual orange-like cologne.
I spent too much time dressing up that I lost track of time, now I was in a hurry because my classes were early today and it was an important course. Of course, I skipped breakfast, the expression on my mom's face while she shook her head was nearly funny while I dashed across the house, getting to school with the immediate effect. Luckily, the lecturer wasn't there yet as I wiped my face, walking to class confidently, with lots of positivity in mind. Well, everything went down the drain when the supposed side character who was "a friend" was making his further advances towards Cassidy. I was a  possessive person, I immediately felt uncomfortable and everything within me just died momentarily, as his eyes fixed with mine after noticing a change of expression on Cassidy's face, I looked to give a glare before stepping in class.  Amidst the given situation, the look on Cassidy's face after noticing my discomfort and her immediate response to return to class eased my mind and nearly drove whatever thoughts that were brewing in my mind. As always, her posture and morning looks were always a stun that I couldn't bring myself to ignore.

"You look beautiful today" I muttered with a relaxing tone.

Her facial expression of rolling her eyes set me off on a bad attitude, with Ethan constantly glaring and smiling, my inner mindset was standing to create a conclusion that may be true.

"You don't want to talk to me?" I asked, immediately with a sudden change of tone.

She scoffed, constantly using her fingers on the desk.

"Oh, someone else is in line, promising the unbelievable?" I asked funnily but her expression never changed, any further action would lead to a burst out so I slowly moved away from her letting her know I'll talk to her later.

My mind wasn't settled, I had different thoughts running in my head at the moment, I didn't want to believe it but what if? as I glanced at Ethan who gave a scoffing look, rolling his pen over his fingers.
  I sat at a medium distance space while glancing at Cassidy, keeping in check with her emotions before I could close in again, "probably a bad day?" I thought as I decided to be patient again and go for a third run. Fortunately, the third run came easily when she suddenly fell her head to the desk, holding her stomach like she was in pain, as she lifted her face up, it changed, the beautiful calm look became pale and disturbed, since the lecturer wasn't in yet, I walked again to her seat, worried and lifted her face up, but she tilted away almost immediately, I was shocked and I just stood there waiting for a response that never came. I became upset and I  switched my mood, the one thing I always hated was being ignored or ditched when I show the least of emotions. Cassidy definitely had me on a wrong setting after my failed attempts to know what was going on with her. I decided to go to the front seat, ignoring her presence as she called out to me, but I didn't budge, one glance back and she knew I was mad at her.
  I decided to focus on my studies then, since that's what I obviously came here to do but soon my focus was railed away when I heard Cossy's voice calling out to Cassidy and waving at her, only for her to ruffle my head, with her all bright teeths. I was captivated, her smile supressed all that anger that was within me as I remembered the first day I saw her, I had no fighting spirit to frown, only to smile back, putting my hands on her cheeks.

"Heyy pretty face" I complimented as she smiled, almost like she was excited for me finally talking to her.
"That has to be something to start my day" she said, while brimming her teeth out.
"I didn't lie, you don't have to be dramatic about it" I said, chuckling and adjusting so she can sit beside me.
"Blehh, whateverrrr" she stretched her words while I laughed hard at it. 

I didn't feel all that anger and unecessary emotion after Cossy came through, someone coming through for me at the deepest times has to be one of my weak spots. I was caught in the least of care and emotions that she noticed and she hurriedly pecked me immediately the teacher walked in, leaving me in complete awe and stun over such unexpected action.

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