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Cassy's POV

"Cassy?" Remiel called and I palmed my face surprised. How did that slip out of my mouth? Well, oh yeah, I love him.

That day— that day he came to my house. And we kissed, I could still remember that feeling in my chest. Then when Cossy stopped me earlier, my heart sank.

It felt like they were being ripped off my chest. If I saw him with Cossy, I'd be shattered. I remembered that day he hugged Cossy, I knew what I felt.

The voice jerked me out of my thoughts and it was Remiel. "Come with" before I could speak, he grabbed my hand and I rose to my feet.

"Remiel?" I called as I stared at him. "Where are you taking me?" I asked as he pulled me out of the class.

"Rem—" he snaked his arm around my waist and I gasped as my body met with his. "Garden" he mumbled and my body paused every action except walking towards the garden.

My heart fluttered and the air in my lungs expanded in joy. I whipped my head to him but looked away seeing his eyes were fixated on me.

My fist bunched into a ball and I swallowed hard at his soothing touch. I didn't know if it was wrong to be that close to him but I loved it— every single bit.

We reached the garden and I turned to Remiel. "What —" before I could speak, he pulled me closer and his lips met with mine.

I gasped as his hand went around my back , pulling me closer and accessing all of my mouth.

It was enticing.

My hands instinctively went into his hair and I pulled him closer to reciprocate the kiss.

Our tongues explored each other's mouth before I pulled away to catch my breath. We locked eyes and I sniffed and took a step backwards.

"I—" I licked my lips and ran my hands through my hair, the gravity of everything that I said hitting me. I loved him.

I friggin confessed my love to him.

I sucked in my cheeks and averted my gaze somewhere else; on the other students in the garden.

Everyone seemed to be minding their own business.

"Come sit" Remiel grabbed my hand and led me to the seat there. "Are you shy now?" He teased as I glanced around.

"I want to go have lunch" I stood to my feet but I barely took a step when Remiel grabbed my hand. "Stop being so shy Cassidy."

A smile found its way to my lips at the sound of my name from him. He barely calls me by my name but when he does, he leaves me floored and allured by his pronunciation.

"Hmm" I sat and licked my lips as I tried to maintain eye contact with me. I fondled my hands when I couldn't keep up with his gaze until he spoke.

"You love me?"

"Remiel I —" I raised my head to him but looked away at his penetrating gaze. "Cassy, do you love me?" He shifted closer to me and I held my breath at his amazing cologne.

"Cassy —" he grabbed my chin and forced me to stare at him. No matter how hard I tried to look away, he held my head firmly to hold his gaze.

"Why aren't you saying anything? You said you loved me earlier, didn't you Cassy?" His eyes pierced my skin as he searched for answers.

His brows were puckered up revealing the desperation and I bit on my lips as I summoned courage. Why was it hard to say it to him here?

"Goodness Cassy," Remiel ran his hands through his hair and whipped his head to the other direction. "Are you shy to tell me now or was I hearing things?"

"I—" I swallowed hard and he turned to me. "Remiel, I need to go to class" I fondled my hands and he released a desperate sigh.

"Okay Cassy." I nodded and stood. I licked my lips as I stared at him but he averted his gaze somewhere else. "Bye" I mumbled as I headed out of the garden, every nerve in me trying not to stumble in my steps.

A deep breath I didn't know I was holding escaped my lips as I walked to my class. I love Remiel, I know. Why was it hard to say it to his face?

I got to the class and as expected, Ariana was keenly waiting for me. I answered her questions before we began the rest of the day; with Remiel not coming to class.

As soon as the class was over, I glanced around waiting for Remiel. The moment my orbs rested on him heading to his locker, I tentatively went after him.

"Remiel?" I called as he grabbed his bag. He paused but continued packing his books without sparing me a glance. "Why didn't you come to class?" I breathed out and he scoffed.

Yeah, I heard him scoff.

He got his backpack and headed out of the class while I followed. "Why're you doing this, huh?" I asked as my voice struggled not to break down.

Why was he ignoring me?

He paused in his steps and I reached him, "are you mad?"

He finally spared me a glance. Our eyes locked but he looked away as soon as his orbs rested on mine. "I'm not mad Cassy, I have to go home now and attend to somethings."

"Okay" I muttered and we headed to the parking lot. As always, his driver was waiting.

"Bye Cassy" he ruffled my hair and flashed me a smile before he headed to his car. My eyes watered as I watched him leave.

He was angry, I saw it.

I sniffled and went out of the gate to get a taxi.

As I sat in the taxi, my lashes struggled to blink back the tears that pooled in my eyes.

I was at fault and I knew. I should have told him I loved him. And now, he was mad.

I bit on my lips to suppress my cries and thankfully, the taxi halted in front of the apartment.

I pushed the door open and my eyes came in contact with Nelson holding and scanning some files.

"What file is that Nelson?" I queried before my curiosity peaked.

"The divorce papers. Mum and dad are officially divorce."

It hit me like a missile.

My heart stopped and my throat tightened as I froze in my step. Mum and dad finally got divorce? The last time that the case was adjourned. I thought…they'll sort things out.

I knew I wanted them apart then but inner me didn't want it. I wanted a happy family. A tear slipped down my cheeks as my legs failed and I found myself falling.

My body came in contact with the cold sofa and a faint gasp reverberated in my ears as my lids snapped close no matter how hard I tried to keep them open.

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