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Remiel's Pov

I enjoyed every bit of a moment trying to get on Cassidy's nerves after getting her cold responses, but her health was getting in the way of my ego dominating over my feelings. I found myself flinching back everytime, making sure she's okay and hoping that Ethan would not get the opposite side of me by approaching her.

"You worry much about a girl you met before me" Cossy said, looking at me questionably.

I smiled as I flipped my pen over my fingers.

"Well, you are one to talk after showing further affection towards me" I replied, releasing a smirk.
"Hey, that was securing my apology was being accepted not because I wanna..." she stressed her words trying to figure on the next one.
"Make someone jealous and stealing my attention" I completed her sentence as I kept on writing and smirking.

  I could see jealousy Cossy's eyes and her body languages were a fact that I was right.

"What made you consider liking me back?" I asked curiously as if to make a point out of the whole conversation.
"I.." she remained speechless for a while, then continued " I just didn't like the fact that you were going after someone else after coming here for me" she said confidently as it hit a nerve within me.

Bold of her to assume that but she wasn't wrong, only that things change when you actually get into a new school and you see their inner problems and engagements, and you later loose the need to chase them further.

  "Well, while you were busy off enjoying me chasing you around, someone else was chasing me, now if you were in my shoes, would you want to dissapoint who was at your back all these while?" I asked, as the lecturer was rounding up his talks which I clearly wasn't interested in. "And I'm looking back now, trying to fix my mistakes, Remiel " she answered, looking faintly dissapointed in her own efforts. "when you figure out why you actually let me go through the whole emotional moment before you could consider the possibilities of being with me, I'll be sure to hear it, for now, I'd just stick around " I said, giving a quick almost fake smile as the bell rang and the class was over.
  I got up, stretching my back and leaving Cossy in thoughts, I whispered to her "you don't have to think about it much, I just want to know what you actually want with me, as I stated mine in the first place". Leaving her immediately, unintentionally fixing my gaze on Cassidy, I remained lost there as if I had just saw her that day. She was apologetically looking at me with guilt written all over her face as she mouthed something I didn't really get, "Was she talking to me?", I asked myself.
  I hurriedly looked away, distracting myself and ending my day on such a dissapointing mode, my phone chimed as I looked over the text "I'm sorry" from my very own Cassidy. I smiled, "she's a bit old fashioned, isn't she?", I said in my mind as I texted back freely asking why she was sorry. She gave quite an expression which gladdened me because it's what I enjoy seeing, the written emotion on people faces as she was wondering if I was angry or not. Heading to her seat while she was unconscious of it as she silently said my name while I was right in front of her.
   "What?", I said, looking suprised, "you didn't offend me, did you" I continued lowering my height to her desk position. Seeing that she was quite in a corner, I got worried almost immediately as my time changed from a confident one to a worried one. "You look pale, are you okay?" I asked again as if I had been repeating the same question over and over again today. "No, I'm alright, I just.." as she lowered her head, gripping her stomach so hard. I knew what was going on, looking at the situation she was in, I dropped my bag and left immediately to the cafeteria to get some warm water. "Here, this should calm you a bit, I think?" I said, looking concerned as I tried not to. We were already gaining the class attention which I didn't like, I prefer to stay hidden and unnatural, this was ruining the perfect role I had created in school, I was probably being noticed as a "lover boy", which is infact a very disgusting term.
  I stood up immediately, grabbing my bags, looking like I didn't do anything as she faced down wondering my total switch of personality in a second. "Don't be so cold to people when you are in pain, everyone needs help one way or the other, hmm?". She looked up at me, giving a short smile as I returned it back, almost a bit wider than hers as I stretched my hands, getting hers on mine while I knelt, rubbing it and kissed it, looking at her in such a flush that almost made me loose my stand. "I'm sorry, I do know how to be dramatic atimes" I said as she slowly released a chuckle. "One of it's kind" I said within me.
  "Remiel!" I heard a familiar voice which I presumed to be the other side of the coin in my little gamble, she tossed a little paper which I caught immediately, concealing them in my left pocket. I gave a smile as i waved her goodbye which definitely puts off everything I just tried to create with Cassidy. I stood up, as the general bell rang and everyone was packing up. Soon as I got my stuffs ready, I felt another strong presence behind me, it was the same feeling I got that always hits a nerve within me, Ethan, the boy who just dosent know when to stop. "Want me to walk you home?" so I heard him say. "Oh I'll be doing that" as I stretched my hands towards Cassidy, giving her a "c'mon, get up" look as she looked almost confused. Heaven knows I'd be so done with her if she took the latter option which I doubted that she would.
  "Thank you, Ethan, maybe some other time" she replied as she took my hand, making me less embarrassed and half way impressed, what was "some other time for?" I thought within me but didn't dwell in it. Ethan bit his lips, and touched her face with a smirk as he  took the other way as I sneered at him.  I didn't say a word as I walked Cassidy to the gate. "Do you like Cossy?" She asked, in a very timid way. "That's the second time you've asked me and I thought we were clear on that" I answered as I took a long sigh, looking at my driver, beeping at me. "Goodbye Cassy, I'll see you tomorrow" I said, walking towards the car without any room for a sudden call out.

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