More Innocent Days

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Rap tap tap.

Tip tap tap.

The sound of the rain continuing to fall with seemingly no end in sight as the wind had begun to pick up in the recent hours of that evening. By now many refused to leave the safety of their homes. Not even a tiny scampering lizard or snake dared to come out nor a tiny finch take flight. Every living being had taken to shelter themselves, signaling the worst of the storm would be tonight. The lone dark haired yaksha sitting on the roof of the house of the village elders furrowed his brows, turning his gaze to the dark murky horizon.

A flash of lightning and rumbling roar of thunder in the distance. Lightning never frightened him but it was fear he sensed and the frightened scream, "Xiao!!" that sent him into action and away from his perch. Swiftly climbing into the bedroom window seeing Lumine in tears curdled up in a corner of the room. "It must have scared her again."he thought; the notion of being frightened of something so natural was still bizarre to him still. Lumine's mood seemed to be jumping everywhere these days, especially today, it was like walking on glass around her. Regardless he hurried over and bent down, bringing her into his arms. "Shhh...You're safe, Lumen."he soothed. She still looked unwell and was trembling in her fear. Was she recalling her fight against Ei? If so then he could understand as she clung to him in tears. "Stupid Aether..."

Xiao could only stare before holding her closer and more firmly with a soft hiss. Now he understood why she had called. If he ever saw that brother of his wife again he'd give him a piece of his mind. Slowly he grabbed the discarded blanket nearby and wrapped it around them. "You had a nightmare again didn't you."Lumine nodded snuggling up to him, still in tears. This was the scene Paimon saw as she came in with some warm ginger tea. The fairy herself lets out a frightened squeak at the crash of thunder before going over to cling to the newly weds.

Startling and confusing Lumine and Xiao just not looking amused at Paimon. With a sigh he turned his gaze outside as he ran his gauntlet covered hand through her bad case of bed head. There had to be a way to distract but also lift the girls' moods, especially his ailing mate's that were bouncing around more than an anemo slime. Then he got an idea and stroked Lumine's tears out of her eyes. Tears did not belong on this radiant goddess's face after all.

"Lumine?"he whispered, making her glance up curiously.

"W-What is it Xiao?"she asked, her voice cracking through her sobs. She couldn't make heads or tails even after her recent nightmare. But for she was noticing now she got upset far more easily she couldn't keep track of the number of times she had cried or got angry over even the stupidest things but it was these last few days she really noticed it since the Chasm. Actually her stomach was really doing flip flops today, though she kept this to herself right now.

"You asked me before that you wanted to learn more of my past and my tribe as I recall."Xiao calmly stated, taking a steady breath. Lumine could feel him tense up seeing a soft static of those dark tendrils that vanished just as fast. His karma must have started acting up again for she could not only hear but feel his chest rise and fall with a shaky breath.

"Yes. I asked a few times but it always seemed to bother you so I never pressed on."Lumine admitted.

"Now that Paimon thinks about it, Paimon doesn't know too much about you either."agreed Paimon, flying over to grab the tea and handing it to Lumine. The blonde happily accepted the now lukewarm cup.

"You're getting your wish. My tribe were nomads, yes, but the land you know as Sumeru was our home."he began.

"Wait, what!? I thought yakshas were adepti from Liyue!"questioned Paimon in surprise.

"From what I was taught, my tribe came to this world from the Light Realm. Sumeru is where my ancestors settled, it was where our...children were born. Later we formed an alliance with the Dendro Archon."Xiao stated bluntly. It was difficult with how hazy his memory was in places, like his mind had locked them up for his own protection if that was possible. The look in Lumine's eyes though told him she understood and he could feel her starting to calm down.

Xiaolumi Fated Encounter II: Yaksha LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now