Sentient Domain of Chaos

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"Ugh...ouch...Hey, what happened?"groaned Paimon after the rough landing they all suffered. It had taken everything to ensure her landing after the floor had broken under their feet wasn't too harsh. But controlling her anemo was difficult in her condition. But how had it landed her in this situation? Well, she had one arguing bluette hydro-user and one brash oni to thank for that one. "Damn it they were like cats and dogs, those two!!"she thought with a moan. Not to mention that much elemental energy being released now had left her queasy like when she had instinctively shied away from Baizhu's dendro energy test. But the jolt had definitely hurt a great deal even with thinking fast to cushion the landing. Paimon's concern was clear as she flew over to Lumine's side as she stumbled very unsteadily to her feet.

"Oh no, are you alright Lumine? Please tell Paimon you're ok otherwise Paimon's never going to hear the end of it from him!"fretted her floating companion.

"Dizzy...Some bumps and bruises...but somehow I'm fine."huffed Lumine. Quickly she looked around at the others. "Yanfei, Miss Yelan, are you guys ok?" No reply came from the agent from Civil Affairs but she was up and moving so Lumine guessed she was fine. Her gaze turned to take in the surrounding area. It seemed they had fallen somewhere even deeper in the mines..

"O-Ow....Putting my books under me to break the fall didn't help much at all."groaned the half adeptus. Before her discomfort turned to distress at seeing how unsteady Lumine was. Actually her body seemed to be shaking a little and hadn't recovered yet from the fall. "Oh no, this ain't good."she thought and hurried to steady her friend. A smile of gratitude for support being her reward from the blonde. This had not gone unnoticed by the sharp eyed Yelan or Shinobu as they looked around. "This place..."

"Where are we anyways?"wondered the fairy.

Lumine glanced up from where they had fallen but couldn't see the way out. That instantly put her at unease. "That was a long way down."she thought with a furrow of her brows. It was distorted and faint but she could still sense Xiao's emotions and that he was somewhere here in the Chasm. Actually she found she could sense he was not far away. Now that her vertigo was going away Lumine began to walk around to investigate. "Is it possible Bosacius came down here?"she thought considering the possibilities. But it left many more problems to consider as well. Here they were in some unknown part of the mines, damn ancient too boot by the looks of the stone walls. The loud, sharp groan sounded from Itto as he and Shinobu came around from their own falls.

"Oouch...I'm gonna feel that in the morning..."Itto looking over at each of the girls as he got to his feet. "Oi, Shinobu-chan, Traveler-san...and my savior, are you girls alright?"

"We're fine for the most part but..."Lumine stated before shooting a blast of unstable electro at Itto. "That was not a smart move picking a fight with Yelan."

"Eek!! W-What was that for Lumine-san!?"yelped Itto just managing to dodge the bolt of lightning shot by the now irritable blonde.

"Baka, think before you act!"Shinobu rebuked. The greenette soon sighing, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. "This just took an unfortunate turn of events."

Lumine and the group nodded their agreement as they discussed their predicament at present. Yelan and Itto once again go at it like cats and dogs with their discord and arguments. It was honestly giving Lumine one hell of a headache. But somehow they managed to sort things out and move forward. To her dismay and amusement even Paimon started arguing with the oni in such a way it could be called childish. Lumine and Yanfei just shaking their heads at this entire situation.

 Lumine and Yanfei just shaking their heads at this entire situation

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