The Dendro Shackle(Lemon Warning)

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Contains romantic mature subject matter near the end of the chapter!!


It had surprised Lumine how much more cooperative Alhaitham became once Xiao got involved. Did Sumeru hold the yaksha in even higher regard than Liyue did? That seemed to be the only explanation to the young blonde goddess as she wrote down the addresses they needed. Alhaitham is even quick to tell them where to meet up, regardless if they showed up or not. When she asked, the older scholar revealed the yakshas were one of the first the greater lord had taken under her wing, becoming her guards, gathering information for her records, and purifying Teyvet as they went. Only returning for the rainy season so the females, the yakshini could have and raise their young. But they weren't her only familiars, Lumine knew this as Tighnari's tribe and the aranara were also the greater lord's familiars.

After some further explanations and negotiations with the man. Alhaitham was swift to teach them what a knowledge capsule was, even showing them what they looked like and how to tell their quality with elemental sight. He instructed the trio to search out a traveling merchant named Dori that unfortunately was very secretive and had ended up blacklisting the poor scholar. Their new companion hoped they could befriend and earn this merchant's trust as he handed them a massive sum of mora. As they began to leave, Alhaitham quickly called, "Be careful you two. The possession of canned knowledge is illegal in Sumeru and has been banned by the Akademiya. So be sure to exercise caution Lumine and Xiao, there have been matras present the last few days in Port Ormos. Your efforts will be for naught if they catch you."

"Matra?"blinked Lumine.

"Hm...They belong to the Akademiya's regulatory body, taking orders from General Mahamatra directly himself. They also handle cases of illegal canned knowledge transactions. As I said before, the Akademiya has outlawed both their selling and trade of these capsules."Alhaitham informed crossing his arms casually. Giving a slight shake of his head he continued, "Like I said the matra are razor sharp — It'll do you no good if they catch onto your location and you. If you three wish to back out now is the time."

"They may be sharp but my senses are sharper. We aren't backing out now with our target in sight., it's not our nature Alhaitham."Xiao huffed hand to his hip.

"Yep, it's also not in these two's natures either. We're more stubborn than a cranky vishap so there's no dissuading these two."chuckled Paimon as she tossed her hands up in a shrug, slightly shaking her head. Xiao was stubborn but Lumine was equally bull-headed.

"It's a risk we're willing to take so we'll help you find Dori. In exchange keep your word and side of the deal."Lumine stated firmly. "I do not tolerate anybody that breaks promises, I've had enough of that." Lumine actually gained a slight glow to her eyes and a look that was rather intimidating even for Alhaitham. This was no weak girl, he realized for that stare was somebody that had lived through hell and lived to tell it. it made him feel oddly anxious as he nodded his agreement. The trio makes haste to search for the contact.

Lumine, Xiao, and Paimon made a quick stop at a stall that sold some lamb kebabs that Lumine was enjoying. While Xiao was keeping alert, letting his wings vanish not long after leaving Alhaitham. To the average person they just looked like a content couple out on a date or errands as Xiao looked over the directions in one hand then had his other hand around his beloved's hips.

"So where do we go from here?"Paimon wondered.

"Shhh!!"Lumine and Xiao hushed.

"Idiot, are you trying to draw attention to us?"hissed Xiao softly as Lumine got rid of the skewer from her snack. She then took the notebook and looked it over and smiled before letting it vanish in starlight.

Xiaolumi Fated Encounter II: Yaksha LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now