A Mother's Wisdom

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Song Ishtar/Istaroth & Lumine's Sings: "My Mother Told Me" an old viking song. This is also the song Dainslief always sang Lumine while she was comatose after the summoning. It is also the same lullaby Lumine now sings to Bakari and Nalini. <3 Lumine sings this often to the twins. *puppy eyes due to cute overload*


"Well that should be everything."

It was evening by the time they had arrived back at their little house at the inn area. Nahida had given them the finished medicine for Xiao but also enough of the ambrosia elixir to last a long time with some help from Mochi. The quiet and soft golden colors of twilight painted Sumeru City as they had made their goodbyes and had just finished grabbing their belongings.

Both little Vesperus and Solis are just sitting on the bed playing with their stuffed toy pyro and hydro slimes. Little Vesperus was doing a lot better but seemed still just a little unwell as the stellaluna hare stayed at his side. Making sure his young master was safe and content. Seeing he was Mochi contently licked his paws and groomed his face. Solis meanwhile had her little toy slime in a death grip in her chubby little hands as she patted it on the bed. Their parents had just finished packing up everything into their respective dimensional storages.

"Got the kids' things, Xiao?"asked Lumine as she took a look around make sure they didn't forget anything.

"Yes, Lumine so don't worry. We can leave any time you are ready."he assured.

"Phew, Paimon's done too. It's about time we took a break. As soon as you stop all the tiredness and hunger comes rushing back."sighed Paimon.

Lumine just chuckled and gave a small smile, "Rest up Paimon with Solis, Vesperus, and Mochi we're not in a giant rush so we can stop and buy some snacks for the road at the cafe. How does that sound?"

"Fine with me, the cubs will be hungry and I'm peckish myself."huffed Xiao shakily. While the medicine was starting to help he had been told it would take a few days before he noticed any results of it starting to work. So Nahida had warned him not to overexert himself while the risk of his karmic debt's seizures was higher. For now he was doing better and that was all that mattered to Lumine.

"Wow, that's great!"cheered Paimon.

"Gah?"Vesperus and Solis tilted their heads in confused curiosity at something shiny catching their eyes. Leaving their toys to the side they crawled over to the edge of the bed. Mochi let out a squeak alerting Xiao's sharper hearing first. Vesperus so little was already showing he was the more careful of the two. He had stopped at the edge while his sister, not paying attention, had almost fallen off.

But their father had snatched up a little curious sun goddess before it could happen. "Sister, you're too rash and impatient. You scared mama and papa and squeaky toy."Vesperus thought with an annoyed huff. Mochi settled near him with an anxious twitch of his nose and whiskers. Judging by the panic on his mother's face and the concern it really had scared their parents and the squeaky floaty thing.

"Geez that scared Paimon. Is she alright?"fretted Paimon as Lumine took her daughter from Xiao. The little infant was still struggling trying to try and see whatever caught her and Vesperus's eyes earlier.

"Solis don't ever do that again. You practically gave me a heart attack just now."scolded Lumine, her daughter stubbornly fidgeting in her arms. For an infant she had some real strength behind her already Lumine was noticing already, making it hard to keep her restrained. Just how strong would Nalini get in future? It was a frightening thought.

"Gew...."Nalini looked down, almost protesting, her jade colored eyes locked onto something sparkling on the floor. Desperately reaching out and patting her mother's arms.

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