Sons & Daughters of Apep

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The return back to the Tanit Tribe had brought some...interesting interactions from Babel being introduced to Liloupar. She could officially add "Master of the Djin" to her growing list of titles. But that was a horse of a different color as their little group went to join Jeht and Azariq around the fire, the thin moon overhead making Lumine frown in worry as she toned out the group's conversation for a moment. Was Vesperus alright? Last time he had gotten ill due to the moonless night. Which would be arriving tomorrow if she was recalling correctly. Xiao seemed to be just as restless for a multiple of reasons that did not escape Liloupar's notice.

"That time of the year I assume, dear wind nature spirit?"hummed Liloupar as she floated to whisper in his ear. Xiao flinched at what she was suggesting.

"Hmphm...Not yet but will soon."he huffed softly from where he sat arms crossed as he kept his gaze on Lumine.

"Ah so you are being affected by your binding, it must be very tightly intertwined."Liloupar stated softly in delighted amusement, a note of nostalgia to her echoing voice. "So why the restraint?"

"She only just had the twins a month ago and spring's only starting and I will not force something she doesn't desire unless her life is in danger."he dismissed turning his eyes to the soft golden hues of twilight as they gave way to dark, smooth canvas of twinkling stars. His golden eyes reflected like an owl in the moonlight. Liloupar gives a soft warm glow of understanding. Turning their attention back to the girls and large muscular eremite, Azariq.

"Dinner's ready, guys."called Jeht.

"Great, Paimon's starving~!"cheered the fairy as the bowls of curry were passed around.

"Ah right, before I forget! Is the Mother of the it with you, Traveler and Yaksha King?"inquired Azariq. The flicker of the campfire and torches provide the needed warmth for this cold desert night. Each of them just content to enjoy the warm meal as Lumine offered a smile.


"Azariq!! Didn't Matriarch Babel tell you not to ask that will nilly for no reason!?"snapped Jeht.

Azariq just lightly shook his head cracking a reassuring grin, "It's fine Jeht, I did guide you part of the way so I do count as a companion do I not?"

"Hmph."tsk Xiao going back to grooming the sand and dust out of his wings he brought out.

"A companion you say? Ha! Perhaps you speak too hastily, human."dismissed Liloupar. She did not like this man one bit and it seemed the bird yaksha not far away shared this view. There was something suspicious of this man that needed to be kept away from her master.

"Eh the bottle's speaking!?"screeched Azariq in shock.

"Such insolence!"snarled Liloupar gaining a blood red glow in her anger. "If you do not recognise to whom you speakth. Then perhaps silence will serve you better!"

"Easy now, Liloupar he meant no offense."soothed Lumine. It seemed to work as her glow went back to normal as she hovered by her mistress's head. It was kind of amusing...was Liloupar pouting in her bottle? It was a shame her form was still so fragmented cause Lumine would have loved to see her actual form. But listen to her master she did.

"Whoah oh oh~!! That's definitely a feisty one to be sure...I assume that is her, the Mother of the Jinn?"chuckled Azariq.

"I'd watch your tongue if I were you desert spawn!!!"snapped Liloupar.

"Liloupar, that's enough."scolded Lumine.

"Yes M'Lady..."huffed Liloupar, still seething red but she complied to her master's wishes.

"That's Azariq, one of my brothers in the tribe, Madam Liloupar."introduced Jeht.

"Hmph! Well we could have chosen worse, he's well built and sturdy enough at least. It's just a shame his brain is smaller than his mouth."hummed the female djinn.

"How is talking to her not supposed to end up with a frustrating headache?"sighed Jeht.

"I feel for you, Jeht...but you get used to it."assured Xiao. At seeing Lumine was starting to shiver a bit though he motioned for her to come over. To which she didn't even hesitate snuggling up into his lap and arms with a bright smile. However whatever he whispered in her ear had just made the blonde turn redder than the desert sands themselves.

"What on earth did he just whisper to you, Lumine?"wondered Jeht though Azariq was smirking and laughing. "And you, what's so funny?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, kitty cat."hummed Azariq.

"Seems you are not yet old enough to know the sweet nectar words only lovers get to share."teased Liloupar in amusement. It took a moment before Jeht soon too was blushing while Paimon just looked around confused. "Oh the things my dear would once whisper to me~!"

"Jeht why not just treat Liloupar like BenBen that talks since you think BenBen is cute?"suggested Paimon quickly change the topic.

And so the group talked into the night, even doing a few matches with the cards Cyno had been kind to gift her and Xiao. The topic of the massive desert worms and the serpents coming up at one point. Liloupar mentioned they were like the yaksha race, children of Apep. But only the yakshas and yakshinis had retained what they were. But eventually at one point Lumine and Xiao had slipped away, only to return and retire to the tent later. Lumine fast asleep and snuggled up in her dear brave's arms. Liloupar's bottle set not far away as they all slept soundly.

However the sound of somebody entering the tent alerted the ancient jinni as she swiftly reacted by putting up a protective field around her master and her partner. "Such insolence wandering in after my master's tryst!!"

"You are a sly one Mother of the Jinni."stated the shadowed man firmly.

"I know a viper when it slithering into an eagle's nest in a vain attempt to devour the chicks."rebuked Liloupar sharply. "Listen and heed me well. My race is guilty of hatred but it pales in comparison to the wrath the Children of Apep have. No mortal can withstand the intensity of Apep's people."

"He's nothing, look how small he is, a god eater would easily swallow him up. Why should I fear such a beast?"dismissed the man. "Now come with me."

"I will not. My contract is bound and only death will part us. But once again take heed, foolish desert welp. Lay a hand on my master and it will not be me you need to fear, but a love so strong it transcends lifetimes. A love that will drive a gentle nature kill those that threaten their lover."Liloupar chuckled before going into a full blown impish laughter forcing the man out of the tent. "Be gone!"

The sharp cry of an "ouch" made Lumine groggily wake up as Xiao stirred as well. "What...was that...?"mumbled Lumine still not quite awake. Liloupar flinched as she floated over in a panic.

"You need not worry, go back to sleep, M'Lady and Lord Yaksha. Just some desert rats that got in and chased away."Liloupar rapidly assured. With a yawn and few bleary blinks Lumine just grumbled and went back to sleep. Xiao raised his brow in silent questioning at their djinn comrade, deciding to hold his beloved bit closer and more protectively as he pulled the covers back over them. Come dawn the job would continue and hopefully...the resting place of Nabu. However, just outside the Tanit Tribe a lone vulture landed to perch on the pillar, its eyes giving off an ominous blood red scarlet that shifted to gold and back.

The spiteful laughter of a little boy echoed throughout the heads of every single member of the tribe except for one. "Tick tick tock...your fate it comes. All-Mother's desires will be done!" The vulture then flapped its wings flying away into the night. The next day at the hands of both Xiao and Jeht, Azariq and some traitors with some Fatui all met very violent and bloody ends. In their moments the sight of a ebony haired scarlet eyed boy with wings covered in baby bird down caught in their dying sight. A cruel and twisted cold look like a wolf coming in on his prey...a phantom of their life being snatched away. All while hobbling along, supported by Jeht and Xiao Lumine vanished into the glowing cavern below.

Xiaolumi Fated Encounter II: Yaksha LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now