Ratatosk's Whispers

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He was in a clear state of shock and dismay from what Lumine could see. She didn't need the link in their soul bond to know this. Looking like a bird robbed of it's tree or a cat that had been kicked. But they couldn't stay here too long as they watched Xiao vent his frustrations at the waterfall by the statue of the dendro archon. He was soaked and feathers drenched by the time lumine sighed and waded into the water, feeling his sorrow. Slowly hugging him from behind as he thought back the urge to cry. Silence hung in the air as the yaksha began to take a shaky breath. She had warned him this could be a possibility so had the former geo archon.

"Xiao we need to move on to the city. From there we can check the other locations."she softly encouraged and reassured.

"And if we can't find them? What if they were destroyed too?"he whispered.

Slowly Lumine moved her hand to take his as she coaxed him gently to look at her. Only confidence and trust as she gave her star shattering smile. "Then we make a new one. We still have time, my sweet brave"

"Lumine's right so let's get to the city first and find Lesser Lord Kusanali as quickly as possible. Then you can relax for the rest of the year."agreed Paimon. The fairy admittedly had a valid point as well as Lumine.

"So which way is the city?"wondered Lumine.

"Don't look at me, I've never been to the sages' city. We tended to avoid humans if we could unless instructed by Lady Rukkhadevata."dismissed Xiao with a huff.

"Ru....Ruk...huh? Paimon's out of brain juice again."whimpered Paimon in confusion.

"Rukkhadevata. Xiao told me that's what they called the first dendro archon. You were asleep but Xiao told me a lot of things about the Greater Lord."hummed Lumine. "Anyways let's get going."

"Maybe we can ask somebody for directions? There was a village up ahead."offered Paimon, earning a frustrated 'tsk' from Xiao. To be fair the valley must have been the main camp before the humans came in and built on it, none the wiser. Leaving no trace behind or evidence of the shapeshifting nomadic race. Lumine looked over as Paimon spotted somebody walking by, seemingly ignoring them on purpose. "Wait a second there's somebody up ahead."pointed out Paimon. The person was definitely female in about her twenties it seemed and judging by her clothes she was a Sumerian local. "Perfect timing~!"

"I'll say she could give us directions."Lumine agreed. "Um excuse ma'am, we were wondering if you could help us?" The greenette gave no reply, just a small glance before continuing on her way. Xiao had seen this behavior before from passing scholars that were not aware of being watched by him when he was but a yearling, unable to fly.

"Huh did they not hear us? HEY! You over there! Could you give us some directions to Sumeru City?"called Paimon.

"Huh?"huffed the stranger before continuing on her way.

"Paimon stop."scolded Xiao.

""What's going on here? Was she ignoring us on purpose?""the fairy wondered.

"He's right, calm down Paimon, it's nothing to get worked up about...There's probably a reason she ignored us judging by Xiao's expression."Lumine turned her attention to her beloved partner beside her who had crossed his arms out of habit. "I'm right aren't I?"

"You are. That human is one of the scholars native here and if I'm right she's in the middle of that ritual."Xiao hummed thoughtfully. To his horror Paimon had begun to wander off to follow with Lumine giving chase. "Wait, don't go after her!" Xiao quickly followed after them. If that mortal woman was doing what he thought she was then there was no telling how Lumine's body would react with her unique constitution of the divine. But the girls had already con inside and Xiao had to cover his own nose the instant the scent hit him as he caught up to them.

Xiaolumi Fated Encounter II: Yaksha LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now