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The entrance ceremony ended and I decided I will first earn the trust of the class.
You may ask, "How can I earn it?".
It's simple.
Respect. In my previous world, Power came first then kinship. The value of relationships was way lower than in this world.
The reason is simple but at the same time complex.
In this world, people do not have individual strength but rely upon connection and money.
Money can easily build relationships but it won't be trustworthy. For you to gain someone's trust, you should try to gain their respect first. Hehe.

Let's take a moment to laugh here.


Fascinating. Right?
Humans in my previous world live in different conditions, and different environments, but are the same at the core.


They follow the same rules, same conditions. It's not humans who follow rules. But everyone on this earth has to follow a set of rules and regulations.
The sun rises and sets at the same time.
The flow of water, the flow of time, and the behaviour of animals follow rules.
All being, dead or alive, follow a set of rules.
The predators hunt the prey.
The weak have to bow to the strong. It's the same in every world.
The weak only have three options.
First, to bow to the strong and keep a low profile while getting enough power to devour the strong.

Second, to stay ignorant and hope that someday you will get an opportunity not realizing you are wasting your most precious resource. Time.

And third, to beg but remember it is not the responsibility of the strong to take care of the weak.
Weak people tend to think it is the responsibility of the strong to take care of the weak.

No matter which world, there will always be a group of weak people who will brazenly and indiscreetly ask for charity from the strong. As if helping them was the manner of the strong and not helping them was wrong.
The weak should have the manners of the weak; they should either resign to their fate and act like slaves or try hard while keeping a low profile.
The strong helped the weak only as a charity when they were in a good mood.
The weak refuse to work hard, shamelessly begging from the strong, and even demanding definite results, acting like a leech; they deserve getting rejected.
People who were content with being weak, who don’t put in their effort and only think of begging from the strong, simply aren’t deserving of sympathy.

It seems like I have once again gone off the topic.

This school is based on rules and regulations. A class will stay at the top and D would stay at the bottom.
While class  A baths in glory, class D is forced to spend a life full of humiliation, because of the term called social hierarchy.
Class A at the top will try to stay at the top while Class D will try to survive. Both are in the same school and same year but the difference is in the hierarchy.

This school is a way better version of society. The set of rules and regulations are equal here. Or is it?
What if someone buys information regarding a test?
Will people from class A, B or C associate with class D, the worst class without any benefits?
Some may do but most wi consciously or unconsciously will look down on class D students.
Meaning class D will have more difficulty making acquaintances and subordinates.
In short, like every organization, this school is not as equal as it seems. The flawed nature will reflect as one grows older.


I entered the class. Like Ayanokoji, I also haven't been in this kind of environment. But the first thing that caught my attention was my seat.


It was just in front of Ayanokoji's.
As I wanted to use the restroom I let Horikita and Ayanokoji leave me behind, technically they do not even know I exist but who counts that?

Most of the seats are already occupied by students. Some are talking, while some studying their school material.

Walking towards my seat...I felt a wave of nervousness?

I walked towards the back of the room in front of Ayanokoji's seat and put my bag down.

Right now, I think Ayanokoji was having a debate about whether to talk to someone or not.

Now, how should I start conservation?
Should I ask him about the weather?
Should I ask him about his name first?


I turned around and looked at Ayanokoji, whose eyes were closed.

"Something bothering you?", purposefully saying an awkward sentence I disrupted his thoughts.
He looked at me, momentarily stunned and said, " No, just haven't gotten any sleep last night."

Oh boy, he is way worst at leading conservatives than I expected.
To be Frank, I would not have to worry much even if I say a much more purposeful sentence.

People might call me a coward but I like to be prepared.
I am not originally from this world. I do not know its customs properly so If I make a mistake I do not want people to think that have some screws loose.

"I hope you get better", I said while extending my right hand for a handshake and introducing myself," My name is Rachel."

Ayanokoji grabbed my hand and introduced himself, "I am Kiyotaka ayanokōji, nice to meet you".
"I hope you take care of me Ayanokoji-Kun"
" I also hope to get along, Rachel-san"
"Rachel is enough"
"Then please also call me Ayanokoji"

I unconsciously looked at the black-haired beauty beside Ayanokoji.

Sensing my gaze she loos- glared at me and said," Don't expect me to introduce myself."

Typically Horikita.

I said in a flirty tone, "Lady if we do not know your name then it would be awkward for us to call you."
"...My name is Horikita Suzune"
"Nice to meet you", I said with a smile.

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