End of month

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The next few days were normal and boring and finally, the end of the month was near. Horikita started to open up while Kushida avoided my attention. For Ayanokoji,
Well, he is trying to make friends.
I guess?

But today, something different happened.

In the third period, history

Chiyabashira-sensei’s class. She walked in as the bell signalling the start of class rang. The student’s attitudes didn’t change, though.
“Everyone, be quiet— Today’s class will be more serious.”

“What do you mean~ Sae-chan-sensei~”

A weird way to call your teacher.

“It’s the end of the month. We will have a short test. Pass these to the back.”

She handed out papers to the first row. Eventually, the test reached my desk. The test had several questions from each of the 5 major topics.

“Eh~ I didn’t hear anything~. I don’t wanna take it~”

I felt a tinge of a knot in my heart.

“Calm down. This test is only for future reference. It will not be reflected on your report card. There’s no risk, so be at ease. However, cheating is naturally prohibited.”

It's here. The start of the fall for Class D. In truth, class D had failed after they decided to use their freedom the wrong way.
Matter of fact, there are no wrong or right ways just benefits.
They were careless and carefree~ most had already forgotten about my questions.

Once the test started, I looked through the questions. 20 questions, 4 per section, and 5 points per question for a total of 100 points. However, the questions were extraordinarily easy, and so it felt anticlimactic.

Humans are spiritual beings.

I looked up and thought about my options.
The clock was ticking and so was my time.
I am quite certain I will not gain anything from staying in class D...
It's better to use that time or research.
For that, I need to score better on this test.
Some may wonder why am I working so hard.
To answer that you must realize the main character in this novel is Ayanokoji, this simply means the entire world revolves around him.

This is just a possibility. Because in this world everyone is the main character and at the same time everyone is a side character.

It just depends on how can someone tackle a problem. 

The test was easy and without any risk for me.
A lot of students had also completed the test. It looked like they had completed the test evm before the test was handed out...
Without any risk or reward, people tend to not give them.
Here they

I could only shake my head at the ignorance.

I once again checked my answers, and after confirming that most of the answers were correct, I put my head down and pretended to sleep.

I still have not found much on my reincarnation but I am sure that I do not have much time left. This body reacts strangely to the human body...

I have made a lot of theories regarding the soul, but without any experience or proof, even without knowing if the soul truly exists or not...the possibility of finding something important is near zero.

I need to do experiments on a fellow transmigrater.

In this world, Time prevails over everything. Whether it exists or not.
It does not matter because it is not time that is ticking away but the life of a being.

In my class, the chances of transmigration are low, but still...Why was I transmigrated? By whom or what?

My body seems to react differently than I intend it to.
I drifted to light sleep.

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