Demonic Nature!

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("")= speaking.


Raphael followed behind Kushida. Raphael leisurely walked at a steady pace with a calm expression while Kushida's expression was turning worse every second. Both were wearing smiles but had different storms in their heart.

Kushida first scanned the place. Feeling that she was out of everyone's eyes, she let go of her bag her walked towards a tree.

Kushida stared at the tree for a few breaths; remembering her face and raised her leg; kicking the tree hard. The force of the kick also put a little pain in her leg but she has perseverance enough to ignore the pain.

"I hate you! I hate you so much, Raphael. DAMN IT!!"

Before she could vent out her anger she heard a notification sound from behind the bush.
"Who is there?", She shouted, not a hint of politeness she normally had.
A single face came out of the bush which made her shock.
"I, I am just here to return your phone, Kushida-San. I, It was exchanged by my phone."

A face she hated from deep in her heart.
She took a step back; to compose and sort out her thoughts and then moved towards Raphael while speaking, "Did you watch everything."

It was not a question.
"I did not see everything", Raphael responded with a troubled expression while internally happy.

Kushida was already close to Raphael and Raphael registered and regained control of her body.
She took steps back.
Kushida did not realize this but if someone were to see then Raphael intentionally was moving away from the walking path.

Kushida moved closer and closer. Raphael's back finally hit the hard trunk.
Kushida smiled," Raphael-San~, you have stepped out of the boundary."
Raphael made a frightful expression which just satisfied Kushida's mood. She took Raphael's arm and put it on her left melon.
"If you even told a single soul about this thing then I will make sure your school life is filled with rumours. Also I need ou to open you shirt and let me take a picture of you..."

Kushida thought that Raphael was also an attention seeker like her; after all, she was also acting like her.
"I will first say that you tried to assault me. There are your fingerprints on my school dress."

Kushida's crimson-red eyes looked into Raphael's eyes.
Kushida let out a painful grunt as Raphael's hand squished her chest. Raphael then moved her arm over her back; throwing Kushida on the tree.

"Agh", Kushida let out a painful moan. Her left shoulder has hit the tree. It would take time to heal.

There was a white flower growing on the tree trunk where Kushida had fallen.
It has a long beautiful white flower and green stem. The flower's stem was crushed by Kushida's body but the upper part of the flower was visible.

She tried to scream but Raphael's hand stopped her. Raphael's hand was on her mouth while the other was on her neck.

Raphael squished Kushida's neck with little strength.

Corner of Kushida's eyes there were small tears; Making someone want to protect her.
But Raphael could not care less.

Kushida looked up on Raphael's face.
It was calm and emotionless.
Her dark black hair fluttered with the wind and her normally red bright eyes were gloomy and dark. Her eyes attracted most of the attention as it felt like you were staring into an abyss.
Cold and cruel.

Raphael pulled out a phone from her pocket.
The camera application was on but not switched on but Kushida realized that the video had already been recorded.

Raphael looked at the white flower who was on the verge of death then at Kushida.

She loosed her grip while thinking of the Buddhist saying, ‘Without a sense of self, without a sense of person; to be detached of all living things, detached of the sense of time. Void is the red skull and white bones, skin and flesh!’.

'I am namely myself, without individuality. Breaking the sense of self, realizing that one is common and ordinary. ‘Without a sense of self’ means ‘everyone is equal, there is no difference.’

Everyone is equal.
Raphael has already realized that her insignificant character is common and ordinary.

'Human is humanity, no longer treating itself as superior being.'
‘Without a sense of person’ means that ‘the world is equal, there is no difference.

‘Living things’ refers to all life, no longer recognising life as superior and thinking that non-living beings like rocks and water have cognition. This is ‘ detached of all living things’, which means ‘all in the world is equal, there is no difference.’
Any object or creature has their respective lifespan, and ‘ detached of the sense of time’ namely means ‘regardless of whether it exists or not, they are all equal without difference.’
No matter how beautiful the guy or girl, they eventually turn into a skeleton. Bones, skin and flesh are one, but people favoured skin and flesh while fearing bones — this is being fixated on appearance, not recognising that all is equal.

It is important to rise above to see the 'truth'.

Beauty is superficial, and people, me, time, the world, Raphael and you are also superficial. To rise above this is said to be enlightenment.

Recognizing all as equal and going beyond treating everyone as equal.
Thus, Buddha sacrificed his body to feed tigers, cutting off his flesh to feed eagles. This was the benevolence in his heart, seeing all in this world as his own, loving everything, and his great love for everything.
No matter if it’s me, others, animals or plants, or even the lifeless rocks and water, even those that do not exist, we have to love them.

If standing there was a hot-blooded teenager then he would have already jumped out and screamed, "Don't Hurt the beauty" or "Beauty don't worry I will help you".

This was the mortal’s love and hatred, loving young girls and hating large bears. Not going beyond and still fixating on the superficial, not able to see her red human skeleton.

Raphael has already reached the point of enlightenment.

Kushida's hand tried to sn hit Raphael.

If were no use here as the one standing here was Raphael.

Seeing the Kushida's tragic state. Her heart was unmoved.
This was not because of the numbness to death but because she had gone beyond the superstition, having no obsession.
To be detached of living things, To be detached of sense of time...

Seeing all living things as equal, the world is equal.
Thus, the girl’s death is no different from a fox's or a tree’s death.

To understand this nature of humans we have to understand what we pity for.
Imagine a bear eating a young girl. s no different from a fox or a tree’s death.
But to a mere mortal, the girl’s death would trigger their anger, hatred, and pity. If it was the girl eating the bear, they would not feel anything. If an old lady was eaten, the pity in their hearts would be greatly reduced. If it was a villain, a murderer getting eaten, they would clap their hands in joy, praising.

In actuality, all beings are equal, and heaven and earth are just.

Nature is fair, disregarding love or hate; it is emotionless and never gives differential treatment.

Rule of the strong, Victor takes all!

The disappearance of a lifeform, towards the entire natural realm and the infinite cosmos, to the long river of history — what does it amount to?

Death means death, who can choose not to die? What talk about a girl, bear, ant, fox, tree, old lady, murderer, they are all lowly! Humble! Mongrels!
Thus, kishida is no different from the crushed white flower.

Only by recognising this and going beyond the superficial, arriving at the truth, does one gain divinity.
This divinity, taking a step towards the light, becomes Buddha. If it takes a step towards the darkness, it becomes a demon.
Demonic nature!

A/N: This is just the start of Demonic Nature. Get ready for more in future chapters.

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