7. The Gala Event

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The pair of you arrive in an orderly fashion. You make sure Taehyung is not late or kicking down the door to make an over-dramatic and grandiose entrance.

He enters quietly and modestly. You notice how all the bodyguards around eye him, breathing a sigh of relief that he's here in one piece. It makes you wonder what he was like during previous events for them to act this way.

While there are strangers all around, adorned in luxurious clothing with an air of importance surrounding them, there's quite a few people that you personally recognize.

Taehyung's father is speaking to the governor by the door and as you pass Jungkook, you nod your head towards him in acknowledgment without speaking much of a word. You're not here to greet and mingle with others after all.

Dressed in your proper uniform, suit and tie with your hair pulled back and surveillance earpiece in one ear, you're prepared for a long night of monitoring the premise and ensuring everyone's safety.

"Hey." Taehyung suddenly tugs your elbow back, his eyes wide. "Where are you going?"

"To do my job." Your expression is blank and when he's not having it, you're forced to elaborate. "I'm not a guest. I have to survey the area with the others."

"I thought you said you'd be with me."

"I am. I'm gonna be right over there."

The college boy pouts. "But what if I get attacked and you're three steps too far away?"

"Anyone who will attack you will get body slammed by tens of other bodyguards, rest assured. Right now there's no place safer than here."

"B-but..." Taehyung pouts harder, his puppy eyes saddened, but it doesn't make you waver even for a millisecond. "What am I supposed to do without you?"


"I thought we could eat together."

"I'm working," you remind him. "You can eat by yourself."

"Fine." Taehyung sighs, reluctantly letting you go and watching you walk away. He stares at your backside, sulking like a toddler not getting their way and he glares as if you just kicked his dog.

The gala event is held in the luxurious hall near the back of the Blue House, wide space filled with polite chatter and masked smiles that don't crack when they're far too practiced. Each person displays a surface level perfection, mute laughter filled with small talk as glasses of champagne are passed around, waiters and waitresses weaving in and out of groups of people.

In the midst of the bustle, you keep yourself alert, arms behind your back, standing straight, looking forward with an impassive expression. While you might have less experience than the others, you still manage to look like a stone statue, part of the wallpaper or decoration.

It's like you're not even there. No one notices you.

Except for Taehyung who keeps looking over at you, ogling blatantly without shame.

You notice his father and stepmother are busy conversing with others, smiling while he steers clear of them, especially for the latter woman who he obviously has a distaste for spite that seems to stem for no reason whatsoever but the mere sake of it.

Taehyung, instead, moves to pig out at the table. He sticks food into his mouth, munching on finger foods until he's unfortunately caught in the act and dragged into a conversation by an important looking minister.

"My goodness. You must be Kim Taehyung, Mr. President's son?"

"Yes. Hello." He puts down his toothpicking, stuffing his cheek with scallop and offering a reserved smile. Taehyung shakes the man's hand and he doesn't notice when Taehyung wipes his fingers on his suit after the handshake.

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