26. The Dream

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The night continues, stories being told and exchanged. There are tales of Jungkook moving to the big city, Jimin's first day of work and how he nearly soiled his pants getting lost in the Blue House, as well as Taehyung talking about his attempt of running away at age seventeen.

There are more drinks passed around for one another, games played until everyone's brought to the same level of drunkenness that Jungkook's satisfied with. 

You feel warm from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, finding laughing and giggling too easy. You don't remember the last time you smiled or spoke so much.

But when it's all done and over, you're laying beside Taehyung on the floor. The lights are off, Jimin passed out about an hour ago and Jin taking the couch, falling back after trying to go home and finding it too difficult to do so. Jungkook's a log on the floor as well, dead asleep by the television.

The sounds of snoring fill the small space while you're still wide awake, as well as a certain someone.

"Did you have fun?" You try to whisper and stay quiet, but it fails as giggles bubble up your throat, ticklish from how close he is to you.

"Yeah." Taehyung grins. "I had fun. Did you?"

"Yeah. I'm glad." You reach out, happily taking his hand to hold it. He laces his fingers through yours and you smile infectiously. 

There was no better place than here, surrounded by your closest friends and laying right beside him. You could see part of his face with the moonlight shedding through the gaps of the curtains and your eyes run along the slope of his nose, his cupid's bow before lifting to his lashes. 

Kim Taehyung doesn't seem so lonely anymore. 

And you're relieved, heavy weights lifted off your shoulders, your chest lighter than it was before without the worry. And for you, while you're still troubled every so often, it isn't hard to speak what's on your mind anymore and it's not just from liquid courage that prompts honesty.

It's difficult to pinpoint your emotions, but you know it's here. even if it's overwhelming. 



"Where do you think we'll be in a year?" you murmur, eyes flickering downwards where he squeezes your palm. "What do you think we'll be doing?"

"I would've graduated by then. We'd be together."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. I think so." Taehyung smiles softly, the corners of his mouth pulled. "Hopefully my dad won't run for a re-election."

"And if he does?"

Taehyung hums a low note, soothing and enough to lull you asleep. But you keep your eyes peeled back, hanging onto every syllable that leaves his rumbling voice.

"Then we could leave. If you want to. We could go to someplace else where they wouldn't know me, they wouldn't know you. It wouldn't be dangerous. Or bad. You know? There are good art schools in other countries. I think you'd qualify for their police force if you tried or maybe join the WWE or whatever." Taehyung laughs quietly. "Maybe you can even be an ambassador for our country or work at the embassy."

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