17. Drunk Talk

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Midnight arrives with ten empty bottles discarded by the side and you put an end to this shenanigans, having enough. Taehyung's face is planted on the table, snoring and while Seokjin is calmer, he's giggly and pulls out three different cards to pay. The waitress takes a random one.

Farewells are bid and Jimin comes to collect Taehyung, but the latter whines and moans that he wants you instead. One good look of him and you give in.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Jimin asks in concern.

"I'm fine. I'll just tuck him in for the night before heading home. Make sure Jin gets home safely, okay?"

"I'mma be okay, chickpea." Seokjin grins easily, walking over and engulfing you in a hug. You're suddenly surrounded in his scent, his broad shoulders, and your heart stutters in your chest. 

"See you tomorrow, mmkay? M-mak-ke sure you get home soon. Gonna be late for school! Your dad's gonna make you run laps again 'round the dojo!"

You smile, patting his back once. "I don't go to school anymore, Jin."

"Heeey!" Taehyung's arm lifts and he stumbles over, only to fall asleep halfway. He's shaken awake again when Jimin re-adjusts, having to shoulder his weight. "D-Don't touch heeeer."

A drawn out exhale pulls from your lungs.

The two men are switched. Jimin shoves the team leader into the back of the car and you insist you're able to take Taehyung back on your own considering the apartment is only a few blocks away and you want to make sure Jin gets back as soon as possible. 

Taehyung's also moaning about how he doesn't want to go to the Blue House and the last thing you need is to fight against drunk Taehyung.

It takes a minute and you watch them go, taxi turning the corner before you walk in front of Taehyung with your back turned to his front. With your knees bent, he gets the cue and happily hops on for a piggyback ride. 

He giggles giddily. "So soft, dumbo."


Taehyung isn't heavy, but the issue is that he's taller than you. His limbs are long and his toes end at your ankles, but luckily they don't drag on the ground. 

The other issue is how your feet ache in the thin heels. It causes you to wobble and waver from side to side of the sidewalk. You end up catching yourself on the brick wall, regaining balance before continuing down the empty street.

"Ain't the guy supposed to carry the girl?"

"Who says?"

"I dunno. Movies." Taehyung snuggles closer to you, nuzzling into your neck and his blonde hairs tickle your skin. "You smell nice."

"Weren't you sleepy, Taehyung?"

"No~He sings with more laughter and leans into you. 

Your feet lurch, curse spilling underneath your breath and you stop for a second to bounce him on your back and get a better grip around his thighs. His arms stay locked in front of your neck.

"I'm sorry."


"For bothering you on your day off, I know you wanted to be alone or with Jin and not see me and I wasn't invited, but showed up and probably pissed you off, don't be mad."

"It's okay. I missed you."

"Really?" Taehyung's slurred words spill of innocent hopefulness, head lifting slightly off your shoulder. 

You smile, eyes pinned ahead of the road, bathed in the orange light as you pass beneath streetlamps, listening to the car engines and motorcycles riding off in the distance. It's serene and you bask in the way the breeze cools the heat of your cheeks.

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