13. Save Him

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It's a new low. 

Taehyung will admit it that he's a brat on most days, complaining about having to eat food made by hired chefs in the kitchen, whining about having to go to a place that's practically a mansion with people prancing towards him with a simple snap of his finger, grumbling when his life is full of comfort and luxury. 

Though the grass is always greener on the other side and he's wanted nothing but simplicity. A home cooked meal. A family. Some peace and quiet.

But he really didn't want to find that peace and quiet while tied up in a dirty corner of some abandoned warehouse. 

Taehyung spits out the cloth, wetting his dry lips and swallowing the saliva that pooled inside his mouth. They're waiting until morning and currently debating when they should make another call to give a different location of where they'll trade him in for twenty five million dollars.

But he won't stand for being ignored any longer. "You guys are idiots." The three of them turn, interrupted in their conversation. The corner of Taehyung's mouth tugs, happy to get their attention. "The President's son? Really? Why not some CEO's daughter? Or like an exec's son?"

One of them scowl and look to another, motioning with his chin. "Shut him up."

He walks closer, but Taehyung continues talking anyhow, "Anyone that's not the head of state. You know how many resources he has, right? The whole world will be watching and you're gonna end up dying or getting arrested. Even if you get the money, it's gonna be tracked."

The man squats down, eye-level with the college boy. The corner of his lip quirks. "If we die, you'll be long dead. Don't worry."

"That's what I don't get," Taehyung speaks in a calmer tone. "Why drag everyone down? It'll turn into a lose-lose situation and no one wants that."

"Then what do you suggest?" the man asks, out of pure amusement than taking his ideas into serious consideration. "You must have some smart ideas, boy. Tell us what you're thinking."

"Let me go," he says and all of them bark out obnoxious laughter. "I'm not joking. Look, I don't give a shit about all this. I just want to go home. It's gonna spiral into a huge mess and I'd rather avoid that."

"You're a funny one. Even if we let you go, what's your reason for you to save us?"

"What's my reason for me to rat you out? There is none." Taehyung shrugs, tongue clever and he can see at least one of the men beginning to become swayed. 

"Listen, I don't really care about politics or any of that and I get it. Seriously. It's tough making a living out there and it probably pisses you off that politicians get to whatever the fuck they want. I'd kidnap me too if that means I could get twenty five million." The man across from him scoffs. "But the truth is you won't get that money. Even if you did, you'd never be able to use it."

"We have ways, boy."

"Maybe, but is the risk really worth your entire life? Don't you have families or loved ones?"

"Shut him up for God's sakes." The other man across the floor steps forward, rubbing his temples. "He's giving me a headache."

But the person closest to him ignores the demand and says, "Life's not worth living without the money. Not like you or your dad would ever know. And we came too far to turn back. Sorry."

Before his mouth can be stuffed again, Taehyung speaks up, his eyes narrowed in on the man's pupils. "It's never too late to do anything. It's not that simple. If you're willing to die for the money, it's not just because of personal greed, right? You all need it for something important."

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