15. New Feelings

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It's driving him absolutely crazy. 

"Did you change your hair recently?"

You frown, expression incredulous. "What? No."

He doesn't understand what it is nor can he put his finger on it. "Are you sure?"

"I think I would know if I did something different. Are you okay?"

Taehyung doesn't exactly know the answer to the question. He merely sighs and tears his eyes away from you. All he's sure about is that suddenly you've become extremely attractive to him. 

It was out of nowhere. 

His palms are sweaty and clammy, heart burning as if he swallowed a burger whole, gaze lingering on you for way too long. You've always been hot and he made that known. He's never been one to hide his opinions, but they were always observations at best without much weight to his words. 

But out of nowhere, he woke up one morning and it occurred to him, hitting like a freight train at full speed that you weren't just hot or radiating a kind of quiet seduction that was admirable. You were attractive.

For the first time in his life Taehyung feels nervous in your presence. His knees are weak, he instinctively perks up at your voice, he can pick you out of a crowd. He feels drawn to you and it's driving him insane as to why.

Maybe it's because he finally looked at you up close and noticed how pretty your lashes were, the way your eyes twinkled against the light, how your lips were just the right color. Or perhaps it's the way you walk and present yourself, a kind of apathy that needed a type of confidence not many had. 

Whatever the case may be, Taehyung is astonished. 

You're not the girl whose ponytail he used to tug on and used as a leash anymore. You're his bodyguard, a protector, a white knight, Prince Fucking Charming. And you were charming indeed.

"Taehyung," you call his name in a firm matter, staring blankly at him. "You're in people's way."

"Um... excuse me." Another student stands behind him, trying to shift but is blocked by the trash can and Taehyung's body. 

Taehyung snaps out of his daze, blinking twice as his head swivels around. But he's too slow and you're far too impatient. 

Your arm ends up lifting, hand extending, fingers wrapping around his wrist. You tug him closer to your body, moving him to let the unsuspecting female student go. He stumbles onto his feet, nearly falling into your chest but he catches himself.

The student walks away, mumbling a 'Thank you' and you nod.

Taehyung's left gazing at you again.

"You're so strong," he murmurs.

"What?" Your neck cranes around to look at him again. This time, your furrowing brows ruins your blank expression, marring it with concern. "Are you sure you're okay?"

He hums a note, too preoccupied with staring at how you've grabbed his wrist to respond coherently. Your grip is firm, unwavering, but when you let go, he finds himself sighing in disappointment.

It's nothing. Taehyung brushes back the feeling. Maybe he's sick, but he'll get over himself eventually. You're nothing to him. 

Well... that's a lie. You're his friend, his bodyguard, someone he likes to pester and flirt with for the fun of it. There's nothing deeper. And that's what he repeats to himself over and over and over.

"Taehyung," you call him again, snapping your fingers in front of his face. "You're going to be late for class."

"Right, right."

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