Chapter Four: Voices

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A/N: Hello Again Readers. Chapter Four is pretty good and I thought I did a good job writing it. To the right is a picture, as I promised, of Brody. Let me know if you like the way he looks. He's the only one that comes close to what I would want to be a father like figure, minus the blue eyes because Brody's eyes are brown and dark brown hair because his is a dirty blond. Again, if you don't like it, just imagine who you'd picture. Enjoy!

P.S. I will post a picture of Connor on chapter five.


Gina was down stairs with Connor and his buddies while I stayed up stairs in my room not wanting to mingle with them. My clock on the night stand read 4:30 and I could already hear Brody openening his room door. His foot steps then walked down the hall and paused at my open door. He was dressed for work; a black fitted shirt with light blue fitted jeans and tennis shoes to go with it. He never shaved his scruff but he looked better that way. He smiled at me, "You okay?" he asked. I nodded and he walked inside to my room, "Gina and the guys down stairs." He said more then asked since he can hear their rowdy noises. I nodded again but then asked, "Did you know why Connor came back to the bar?" Brody hadn't changed his expression, "Yes!"

"So you know I was going to be . . . Mated?"

"Not until I felt him near. I could hear you in the parking lot and I could feel a very strong aura from him. Once I felt it I knew exactly what it was and confirming that he was a werewolf made my confirmation more then a fact."

"Do you know what a mate is?"

"I just know that it's a werewolves way of saying they've found their true love. Maybe if you ask Big Red about it he can fill you in on all the details." he said.

"So does this mean I can come with you to the bar then?" I asked my eyes begging in hopeful regards. At first he looked as if he was going to denie it but then said,

"Alright but we better sneak you out. I already don't like the fact he's under the same roof as you." he was refering to Connor but I don't think he wanted me to hear that part. I didn't ask questions as I jumped out of bed and ran to my closet to grab something to wear.

Brody confirmed his leave with Gina, lying to her that I was already in bed and telling her to stay with the guys and that he could handle the bar by himself. No seemed to suspect anything so I snuck out through my window since it faced the front of the house. I hid low as I fast walked towards Brody's truck. He drove onto the dirted road and towards the bar once I was in the car. We got to the bar in an hour as the sun had set two hours ago. I hopped out as Brody grabbed a few things from the trunk of his car and I walked towards a brown Honda, a car belonging to Arty. He was always the first one here. Even before the bar was open. The windows had been rolled up but I could see him sleeping through his window. I knocked on the window of the driver side as he jumped up and looked at me, noticing it was me, a big smile spread across his face and he opened the door, getting out. His 6'5 height toward over me as he stretched, "Ay you maggots. Takes ya long enough!" He said, his accent never fading.

"Hey Big Red. Do you mind if we talk for a bit before the bar opens." I asked and he gave me a what-did-I-do look but nodded his head. I opened the door to the bar as Arty followed me in. The bar was dark and Brody walked in after me, turning the lights on. I followed Arty down to his spot at the bar and sat next to him.

"Alright kiddo, what can old Arty do for ya?"

"I want to know what a mate is for a werewolf?" I asked and his eyes went wide as if I'd offeneded him, "Now why in this world would you want to go and know that stuff for?"

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