Chapter Nine: Sucubus

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A/N: Hello Readers. Thank you all again for reading. I really do appreciate every little read I get. But below is chapter 9. I've been a bit busy with only 5 more weeks left of school so crunch time is kind of hard. I've been pushing time just to finish this chapter. Chapter 10 is going to take me a bit but I hope you like this chapter. Enjoy!


          After the incident at the bar, Brody had become more aware of his surroundings and always had his ears out when he tended at the bar. Creatures came from all over just to have drinks at the bar so Brody made sure he checked every sucubus that ever walked through the door. My worries weren't really towards this sucubus woman, it was the dark powers I held inside but since the incident, the voice hadn't come back to me. It was a beautiful Tuesday morning and standing on the steps of NYU, Caine stood next to me, he liked the feeling of being in school, even though he wasn't registered to NYU, he just loved the fact of feeling human sometimes.

          His first time with me, which was yesterday, he took looking after me seriously. Anyone who dared to walk up to me, even for an assignment, he'd pull me away and his excuse was that Mr. Alpha gave him orders. Today, I let him know to keep his cool and he can let his Alpha know that if he didn't keep his cool, he might as well forget Fridays date. Whatever they discussed after I told Caine this, Caine was more lenient with anyone that came up to me. I was now sitting in my History class, this time in our original class room, as Caine sat next to me. The professor questioned Caines appearance in the class room and when I said it was just for today, the professor just warned me it better be the only time. It was a long boring class, an hour to be precise but I noticed that Nate wasn't in class today. I hoped it wasn't because of what Connor did last week. Maybe it wasn't because of me at all, I was just over thinking it. After History class, Caine and I drove over to a burger bar.

          Caine grabbed a booth seat as I sat across from him, a cheese burger just waiting to be eaten. I was starving. Caine eyed the burger in front of him, probably thinking the same thing. He quickly chowed in and I took a quick bite of my burger as Caine smiled,

                    "This is a great burger!" he said, taking another bite. I just smiled and took another bite of my burger but than something in me, like an alert alarm, made me perk up and look just a few ways at a booth, where I seen a red headed woman staring at me. At first, I thought she must have looked at me for a second but than she stared at me as I stared back. I looked away, hoping if I looked again, she wouldn't be looking at me. Nope, she was still staring. Her green eyes seemed to give me a hint of hate as I raised an eyebrow and turning my attention to Caine,

              "Hey, look over there at the booth with the red head." I said and Caine slowly turned around, alert and seen what I seen. He set the hamburger down and leaned in towards me, "Connor said the sucubus had red hair. I can smell a hint of sucubus in this restaurant. I've gotta let him know we might have Penelope . . ." He stopped because I had went wide eye and from the way his nose flared, he could smell it now, the smell of the sucubus woman. The red head had stood up now and was now walking towards our booth. A smile was spread across her face and Caine quickly stood, about to attack but than he relaxed as the red head stared at him. He smiled at her as she now smiled big, her white teeth showing and Caine sat back down, scooting over for the red head. What the hell was he doing? She sat down, her fair skin having a small tan to it. She set her red painted finger nails on the table and gave me a hideous smile, my heart was now pounding.

                     "Eryn Green! Nice to meet you in person." she said and that voice was too familiar to me. It was the woman on the phone, this was Penelope. I can see why Connor rejected her, she plastered too much make-up on and not even that could cover the ugliness she was letting off. She wasn't really easy on the eyes. Her red curly hair was poofy and her clothes was more revealing than Melissa Jones botox. I looked at Caine, who was googling over her as if under a spell. A spell, damn, she used her charm on him. Stupid mutt, I thought to myself. She stroked his cheek as he purred into it, yeah he purred.

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