Chapter Ten: Gentle

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A/N: Hello Readers. Sorry for the late chapter but here is Chapter 10. This was a pretty good one for me to write but the next chapter, I can't wait to write it. Thank you all for reading, LOVE you all. I seen the read and I've reached 6,000 so far, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Also, as promised, above is a picture of Gina. I watched a movie with her and fell in love with her attitude in it. If you don't like who I picked, please feel free to use who you want. And I've finally got a picture of Caine. So next chapter will be a picture of Caine. Thank you all again. Enjoy!

P.S. I don't edit my chapters until I go in and re-read it and there already published. So if you see edits in my chapters, that's why.


          The week had slowly progressed. Instead of having to argue with both Brody and Connor about me going to school, I decided to email my professors about my homework's and lectures. Most of my professors didn't have a problem with it since it was only for the next two weeks. Now that I wasn't going to be going to school for a bit, Brody had me go with him to the bar at nights and Caine stayed with me at home when everyone was out. Brody slept through the days most of the time so it was just like it's always been only with the wolf pack involved. I'd see Gina only at the bar and she would always wonder if I was okay, referring to the incident I almost killed Caine. I said I was as she let me know that if I needed anything, she was there. Since I haven't heard the voice, I was doing well. The psycho sucubus hadn't been heard from since two days ago so I was doing quite well.

         Thursday nights at the bar wasn't too swell for me, it was slow. No one really came in except for Arty, Jared and another vampire who was at a table, next to the juke box. Gina wasn't in today, just me and Brody tending the bar. I haven't told Brody I was going on a date with Connor tomorrow and I didn't want to tell him. He would probably come with us. That wasn't going to happen and plus, I really wanted to get to know him. Yes, he was a goof ball but after what Caine had told me about Connor having to kill his own brother, I wanted to get to know his more gentle side. I've seen just a bit of his Alpha side when he told me that I would have no choice but to go with him, when he found out about Penelope and when he ran into the hospital room. I'd hope this date would show me all his sides but one I've always wanted to see was his wolf side.

                  "Hey baby girl, are you okay?" Brody asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I hadn't known I was just standing behind the bar staring at nothing. Brody had a searching expression as he stared at me.

                    "I'm okay. Spacing out." I said and he raised an eyebrow,

                    "You've been doing that lately. Arty needs a refill." He said, wiping down his part of the bar. I nodded, walking over to Arty. Arty held out his glass mug as I poured beer into it. He downed it and asked for another. Jared had went to the restroom and was back as he leaned against the bar,                    

                "It's dead today. Here I am waiting for the babes but no one is here. How you feeling kiddo." he asked. I gave Arty another refill,

                  "Good so far. How about you, last time I seen you, you were sandwiched between two witches, any luck with that?" I asked.

                  "Nah. Witches aren't my type, they're crazy in bed. After that whole blacking out a week ago, you sure you okay. Gina and Brody carried you out and that crazy werewolf kid was trying to help but your uncle threatened him. Who is that guy?"

                 "Her wolfie boy . . . Hahaha!!!" Arty answered with a hearty laugh. I gave him a playful glare knowing he was drunk. Jared raised an eyebrow,

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