Chapter 1

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It was one of those mornings, when waking up was easy, the sun shining in through the sheer curtains, warming the room up to a comfortable temperature, licking at his skin. Niall shivered with pleasure as he groaned into his pillow, clutching it to his chest as he rolled over slightly, his body instantly turning towards the small giggles coming from right next to him.
"Good morning sleepyhead," murmured Liam close to his ear, another small giggle resonating through the air as Liam leaned in to kiss his cheek.

"Good morning daddy," came another little voice, a head squeezing its way in-between him and Liam, to settle on his chest.

Niall's lips spread into a wide smile, his heart suddenly aching at how beautiful the picture before him was. He could see himself in the boy's wide blue eyes, but the wild blondish curls were definitely Liam's, the perfect mixture of both of them, their little miracle. Lawson.

"Morning" grunted Niall as he leaned in to kiss Liam's cheek.

Little hands pulling at his hair pulled him away from Liam's cheek making Liam laugh in amusement, brown eyes sparkling with emotion as they both peered down at their son.

"My turn now daddy?" asked the little boy, obviously flustered at being left out of the family cuddle.

Smiling, Niall bent down, pressing a small kiss to the golden crown of Lawson's hair, inhaling the citrus smell of the familiar shampoo that made his heart ache. "Morning snowflake"

Lawson smiled crawling over Niall's bare chest to lay his head down on his arm "I'm a snowflake"

"That you are" Liam said, fondness so apparent in his voice as he pulled off his snapback, long and thick fingers combing through his hair before pulling the cap back on, hand settling on Lawson's back.

"Our little snowflake" Niall said kissing Lawson's nose making him giggle.

"What were you watching?" Niall asked as he noticed the IPad in Liam's lap.

Shrugging, Liam grinned at him, eyes laughing with unspoken words as he thumbed the device open, playing an old video of them.

A stab of lust coursed through Niall's body as he remembered in detail that exact concert, images of Liam pushing him roughly into the dress room after, tearing at his clothes flashing through his mind.

Ignoring the pressure of Liam's warm hand on his neck, Niall shuffled the small boy on his chest closer to his heart, nuzzling his nose in the soft curls that he loved shamelessly.

"Did you watch anything new?" he asked, knowing his son's preference for Kiss You & Moments.

Lawson's eyes lit up instantly, tongue stuck between his teeth in concentration as he scrambled off Niall, tiny feet making their way across into Liam's lap. And the boy climbed his father like a tree until he could reach the snap back, pulling it of Liam's head before sliding down Liam's body. He sat with his small back leaning on Liam's arm and chest, facing Niall as he pushed the snapback over his curls, the blond hair spilling out from the edges. Even with the impressive amount of hair he had, the cap was still huge on him, floating a top his head, but Lawson simply smiled, looking up at Niall from under it.
"C'mon snowflake, let's go make breakfast while daddy has a shower" Liam said picking up Lawson from behind him and zooming him through the air.

"Bye daddy" Lawson said waving goodbye to Niall

"I'll see you in a bit love" Niall said smiling as he watched both his boy leave the room. He signed, turning to look at the time on his phone. 10:19. He slipped out of bed and headed into the shower.


"Pancake day?, "Liam asked Lawson with a smile.

"Yes, baba" Lawson answered.

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