Chapter 4

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"Oh no. Where could Snow be? I can't find him anywhere." Niall was currently playing hide-and-seek with the very energetic one-year old.

He continued to "look" for Lawson. Niall knew he was hiding behind the couch. he could hear his infections laugh.

"I wonder if he's behind this curtain. Nope not here, maybe he's behind the couch. Think I'll go check." Niall made his way towards the couch.

"There you are! You're so good at this game!" Niall said.

"You found me! Again! Again!"

"No can do baby, Daddy has to do some house chores" Niall told him immediately Lawson's blue eyes were filling up with unshed tears, and his bottom lip was beginning to wobble.

Niall quickly leaned down and picked him up while placing him against his chest. he gently rocked him up and down.

"Shh baby don't cry. I promise when I'm done we can play again, how does that sound? Doesn't that sound lovely?" Niall asked.

"I want to play" Lawson silently cried.

"Snowflake, we can play after I'm finished, I promise"  Niall pleaded but Lawson just shook his head, not understanding why his daddy didn't want to play with him anymore. Niall sighed, "snow, please"

Lawson just continued to cry into Niall's chest, it's moments like these that Niall wishes that Liam was here because he's always good at getting Lawson to understand things and he reasonable.

"Did you want to come help daddy with his chores?" Niall asked trying to cheer him up a bit. He hated seeing his baby upset.

"Daddy, we play after?" he asked.

"Of course baby" Niall said, kissing his head as he wipes away a few stray tears on Lawson's cheek.

Lawson immediately began to wiggle indicating that he wanted to be put down. Once Lawson's pudgy little feet hit the hardwood floors he quickly made his way towards our the laundry.

"Don't touch anything till I'm there okay snow" Niall shouts,

"Okay daddy" He hears Lawson reply.

Niall begins to pick up a few things that are on the ground putting them away, he makes his way back behind the couch because he knows Lawson likes to hide things behind there.

He bends down to pick up a few hidden toys and candy, mentally making a note to talk to lawson about hiding candy. He goes to walk away but a notebook on the ground catches his eye.

He frowns as he picks it up, having not seen it before, he figures it must be Liam's. He takes a seat on the couch, looking at the brown leathered notebook. He knows he shouldn't look inside but curiosity gets the best of him.

He opens up the almost journal like book and reads over the written words.

Is the reason why I can no longer sleep for when I finally doze off, he's entwined in my dreams.

Is the comfort that engulfs me at night for such that one person has impacted my life drastically.

Is the wind that chills me so such a sweet laugh makes me feel more at home.

Is the whisper that calms me down for a few shallow breaths are what keep me around.

Is the love that comes with lust for I admire his everything.

Niall can feel his heart racing at an intensive pace, they're poems and song lyrics. His heart swells at the fact that Liam even thought of writing such sweet words about him.

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