Chapter 3

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"What the hell are you eating?" Niall asks Harry, his nose scrunched up in disgust .

Harry was sat across from him in he kitchen, eating a jar of pickles with peanut butter.

"What? its good" Harry says, with a shrug

"You're eating like you're pregnant" He says, Harry lets out a chuckle.

"I can't get pregnant"

"Yeah that's what I thought, now look" Niall says, rolling his eyes.

"Well that's you" Harry says, taking a bite of his peanut butter covered pickle, he had been eating strange things lately but he didn't think there was much to it.

Zayn had been teasing him lately about his weird cravings, but his cravings had grown to the point that Harry was waking Zayn up in the middle of the night demanding that he get him food.

"Why are you dressed so nice?" Harry asks after noticing that Niall was too dressed up for the night.

"I'm going on a date" Niall says and Harry's jaw drops, he goes to say something but Is interrupted by Liam's shout.

"You're going on a what?!" Liam had been upstairs to check up on Lawson and was coming into the kitchen when he heard Niall.

"Zayn!" Harry shouts, sensing that this is his cue to leave "time to go!" hurriedly he leaves the kitchen.

"I'm going on a date" Niall repeats, avoiding eye contact with Liam.

Liam swallows and tries to ignore the expanding ache in his chest.

"Okay" He says.


"Hey it's fine, we're not together if you want to date then date, I can't stop you from moving on" Liam says and he lets out a smile but Niall can see how glassy his eyes are becoming.

"Lia-" Niall tries to say but is yet again cut off.

"Have fun, yeah?" Liam says, quickly getting out the kitchen.

His hands are trembling as he runs the stairs, heading into Lawson's bedroom.  He closes the door behind him and slides down burying his face in his hands. His breathing heavily and his heart is pounding hard, he can't bare the thought of Niall moving on, being with some that isn't him.It tears his heart into two, he knows he shouldn't feel like this since he was the one that ended the relationship but he can't help it.

It's funny how things were fine and then it all crashed down, it now seems like Niall is the one that's moving on while Liam's trying to pick up broken pieces, with bloody hands, trying to fix something that isn't fixable. it's crazy how Liam would still die for Niall and his still trying to figure out whether he means that much to him or if he means that little to himself.

His wanted a lot of things in life. To be happy, to fall in love. To be with that person that means the most to him, even in the worst of times. And for a long time, that person was Niall. He wanted a future with him. A house they bought together and turned it into a home. More children that looked just like them only with Niall's heart and his soul. He wanted everything with Niall. He still does. But it's crazy how things change.

His broken out of his thoughts when Lawson lets out a cry, he lifts his head up only to be  greeted by a heartbreaking sight, his baby boy was in tears. "What's wrong snowflake?" He asks concerned.

Lawson didn't say anything just made grabby hands signaling that he wanted to be picked up.

Liam made his way towards Lawson's bed bending down and placing him in his arms, Lawson instantly burrowed his face into his neck "Baby what's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" Liam whispered.

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