Chapter 7

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It's 2 hours later that Zayn is woken up by Harry.

"What is it now baby?" Zayn asks, groaning as he turns over.

"Something's wrong zayn" Harry says, panic in his voice.

"What do you mean?" Zayn asks, sitting up from the bed, immediately alert.

"I'm bleeding" Harry says, and it's when Zayn is fully awake that he notices how much Harry is shaking.

He looks at the bed and notices the blood on the sheets, "baby, what's going on?" Zayn asks, worried.

"I-I d-don't k-k-" Harry tries to say but his breathing is heavy and he cant seem to catch his breath.

"Baby calm down" Zayn says, cupping his face "breathe"

"I can't" Harry says, beginning to cry "something's wrong zee"

"Nothing's wrong baby, it's probably nothing okay?" Zayn reassures "we'll go to the doctors, just to make sure"

Harry looks into zayn's eyes with his own  glossy ones, looking for reassurance.

"C'mon get dressed" Zayn says, kissing Harry's forehead, Harry nods, slowly getting off the bed and putting on a new pair of sweats.

Zayn is quick to put on his clothes, freaking out on the inside because he knew that there was something seriously wrong. But he tries not to show it not wanting to worry or upset Harry even more.

"Baby, you ready?" He asks once his ready, he turns to see that Harry is crying silently on the bed.

"It won't stop zee" Harry sobs and Zayn frowns as he looks at the red spot on Harry's sweats.

"C'mon babe, it's fine, you're fine" Zayn says but he sounds like his trying to convince himself more than Harry.

Harry stands up from the bed and Zayn  intertwines their hands, helping Harry down the stairs and out the house.

The ride to the hospital is silent, Harry freaking out and overthinking while Zayn worries about the health of the man his in love with.


Lying on the examination table in the doctor's office, harry gripped Zayn's hand tightly and stared at the screen of the ultrasound machine as the technician systematically moved the wand around, looking for whatever it was she needed to see. 

"There's nothing wrong with my stomach is there?" Harry asked and the technician shook her head.

"Nothing's wrong sweetheart, I just want to see if there's anything unusual going on in there" she lied.

Zayn brushed the fingers of his free hand through Harry's hair and tried to calm him, but Harry could tell by his rapid shallow breaths that he wasn't any more calm than he was. 

"Okay," the tech said with a forced smile.  "I'll get the doctor and he'll be right with you." 

Harry bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes tightly as he turned his face towards the ceiling and tried not to let his emotions overtake him.  When they were alone in the room, he let out a strangled cry and felt the tears he'd been trying to hold at bay start to slip from the corners of his eyes.

"Don't freak out," Zayn tried to soothe him.  "Let's just wait and see what the doctor says,I'm sure everything is fine baby" he tried to sound upbeat, but felt like crying himself. 

"What if I have cancer or something life threatening" he breathed. A lump rose up in Zayn's throat.

Giving Harry's hand a gentle squeeze, he bent to brush his lips against his forehead.  "You're fine baby, everything is okay"

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