Chapter 13

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"Daddy's gone now, shall we get our day started?" Liam says as he lifts Lawson up and puts him in his baby chair. Both of them enjoy their breakfast.

It has been a few hours since Niall left the house. The house looks like a mess with toys,cds and magazines all over the floor.

Liam is sleeping on the couch leaving Lawson alone to wander around the living room. He manages to tear some of the magazines apart and it doesn't take long for him to get bored. He crawls to his father before climbing up the sofa with the help of Liam's long legs. Then, he sit himself on Liam's chest. He begin to trace Liam's facial features for a moment planting a tiny kiss on Liam's lips before he pulls Liam's brunette hair making Liam jolt awake from his deep slumber. Liam laughs when he sees that it's Lawson that's woken him up.

"How did you get up here?" Liam asks

"Climb baba" Lawson giggles

"You're my little Tarzan aren't you?" Liam asks earning a enthusiastic nod from Lawson.

"Okay you're bored. What should we do?" Liam says while putting Lawson back on the floor. Lawson stands and begins to run around the sofa while laughing.

"Oh you want to play that? Okay get ready cause I'm gonna get you" Liam roars but Lawson stands like a statue when Liam runs to him.

"What is it, love?" Liam asks with confusion as he slowly approaches his son. The toddler pushes Liam off making Liam step back a few steps. Lawson starts to run towards Liam Finally, Liam gets the idea. Lawson wanted to chase him. So Liam starts to run around the space while Lawson tails behind him with his wobbly legs. Both of them giggling madly as they fill the atmosphere with joy.

Niall reaches home a little bit late that night. He opens the door quietly to surprise Liam and Lawson.

But as he walks in the whole house is dark. He sets his keys in the drawer and starts to reach for the switch to light up the house. Immediately he is greeted with the mess in the living room making his mouth form an "O" shape.

He starts to pick up the mess as well as cleaning the room. But something else attracts his attention. Liam is sleeping in Lawson's playpen but he cant fit in it. His legs are curled and the sight makes Niall laugh a little.

Lawson runs towards him when he sees Niall. Niall pulls him into his arms and plants kisses all over him. Lawson smiles wide at him having missed his father all day.

"Lets get you to bed, cause it's past your bed time baby" Niall pinches his puffy cheek before kissing him on the nose.

After settling Lawson down, Niall goes back to the living room to wake Liam up.

"Liam, wake up. Lets get you to bed" Liam's eyes are wide awake when he see Niall.

"When did you come home?" he ask.

"A while ago"Niall replies. Liam's eyes widen when he can't see Lawson in sight, Niall notices.

"I already put him to bed" He tells Liam. Liam lets out a breath of relief.

"How was your day, love?" Liam asks.

"It was good but I'll tell you bout it tomorrow morning right now, let's go to bed" Niall says and Liam nods taking Niall's hands when he offers his hand.

"I love you" Liam says squeezing his hand.

"I love you too" Niall says with a grin as they both made their way to their bedroom calling it a night.

Long over due chapter sorry for it being short. Not edited so sorry for any errors.

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