Chapter 8

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Lawson trembled against Liam's chest as the thunder lets out an angry rumble, Liam shushes him and Niall reaches up to run his hand across Lawson's back, his fingers slipping over Liam's. Liam stills his hand, chewing on his lip with a grin while Niall strokes over his hand, his fingers, sliding his between Liam's. It's a quiet action, the way their fingers tangle together over Lawson's back, but they're too busy smiling at each other to say what they're thinking.

They stay like that for a while, their fingers locked, Lawson shifting in Liam's arms before yawning, a sign that he was close to fall asleep again. Niall remains curled to a pillow, Liam leaning up against the headboard while looking down at Niall every few moments before looking away like he shouldn't admire Niall for too long.

Niall bites at his lip, his other hand pinching at Liam's side until Liam snickers, nods at Niall because he knows what Niall wants. He cautiously slides down the headboard, settling against the mattress again while inching an arm around Niall's shoulders. He tugs Niall closer, smirking when Niall pretends it's not what he wants. But he does. Fuck, he wants it more than anything.

He curls up to Liam's side, throwing an arm across Lawson's back, smiling when his son crawls over Liam's chest, slides down into Niall's arms. He lets Lawson rest his head against his collarbone, small fingers bunching before splaying over Niall's rising and falling chest. He nuzzles his nose to Lawson's cheek, grinning at the squealed laughter falling from Lawson's lips.

"You spoil him," Liam whispers into Niall's ear and Niall can feel Liam's smile through his words.

"You do too."

"Not as much as you," Liam argues softly, nipping at Niall's earlobe.

"I'm supposed to. I'm his Daddy" Niall tells him, running his eyes over Lawson's slightly larger form.

"He's probably hungry," Liam says, his voice hushed while his fingers shift over Niall's scalp.

Niall inches into that touch, eyes fluttering shut when the calloused tips of Liam's fingers press a little firmer, massaging Niall in the most satisfying way.

"He's sleepy," Niall says back, tilting his head back. He turns a little, smirking at Liam. He wishes he could see the blush riddling Liam's cheeks but the shadows are gentled against his face; hiding the parts Niall adores the most.

"I love you" Liam says, hands stroking Niall's cheek

"I love you too" Niall smiles, leaning forward to give Liam a short kiss. When they finally pull apart, Liam has a huge smile on his face and Niall can feel his heart swell because he knows that's a real smile and Liam is genuinely happy and the fact that he is the cause of that makes him happy.

Liam looks between Niall and Lawson and can't help but feel like the luckiest man in the world because his got a family of his own, one that he is very grateful for. He can't help but think of Harry and Zayn and what they must be going through, it must not be easy. Losing a child. He can't imagine losing Lawson, he has become his world.

"I'm so glad I have you two" Liam says, kissing Lawson's forehead. "Can't imagine a world without you two"

"You don't have to" Niall says "We're not going anywhere anytime soon"  


Harry forced himself into the arm of the couch and mindlessly pushed the rice around his plate with his fork.  He had barely looked at the television and refused to talk about anything meaningful since they'd come home from the hospital.  Blowing stray strands of hair out of his face, He abruptly sat up, grabbed his plate and shoved it on the coffee table in front of him before hugging the arm of the couch and dropping his head against it with a dramatic sigh.

"You've had enough?"  Zayn asked quietly and reached out to run his hand up Harry's calf.

Drawing his leg closer to his body and away from Zayn's touch, He nodded in answer and pulled the blanket around him in an effort to hide himself.

Frustrated, Zayn withdrew his hand and took several deep breaths to try and stay calm, reminding himself that it wasn't personal, He just had a lot going on.  Harry had been a mess the first 24 hours, refusing to let go of him and talking openly with him about all of his fears, frustrations, and disappointment, but then He'd shut down and pushed him away.  Standing, he picked up his plate of uneaten food and made his way to the kitchen.

"Do you need anything else?"  He paused to ask at the threshold of the living room.

Harry only shook his head again and pulled the blanket around his face to hide even more.

"I love you," he reminded him and waited for a second to see if he would reply, but when he didn't move, he turned towards the kitchen.

Short chapter, next chapter will be longer.

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