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"Newt!" I stood up from my desk as Newt was escorted past.

His brown eyes met mine. 

"Zoe!" He called over his shoulder.

"Newt!" I tried to run after him but two guards stopped me.

            I stared through the window into the examination room.

Newt was lying on a metal bed with a pale sheet over his body. He looked at me. I smiled at him sadly. 

"I love you," I mouthed. He just stared at me. 

"Can I see him?" I asked one of the assistants who had just walked out of the room.

"Only for a few minutes," he said.

I rushed in and kissed newts cheek. Tears rushed down my cheeks.

"Hey, don't worry about me. I can handle it," he brushed one tear away with his thumb. "Don't panic. We knew this was coming."

"I'm not ready," I said.

"I know baby, you're going to be okay. I love you," he sat up and kissed me gently. "Forever. Remember?"

"Forever," I nodded.

He kissed my knuckles, "You make me the happiest guy alive and I'll never forget it."

I stroked his cheek, "I love you Newt."

A doctor called my name.

"I love you too Zozo," he smiled before lying down again. "One day."

I kissed him one more time. Our lips moving together gently. For all we knew this could be our last moment together. 

"One day," I called over my shoulder as a doctor escorted me out. 

Newt stared into my eyes as they rolled him into the next room. I blew him one more kiss with my heart breaking.

"Don't worry. He's strong. He'll make it," My brother put his hands on my shoulders.

I replied, "He belongs to the maze now but my heart is still his."

One month later....

I stared at a metal plate on the opposite wall. W.C.K.D was engraved in the blue metal. I typed one more code into the document I was working on.

I tucked a strand of brown hair behind my ear as a man in a white lab coat approached me.

"Miss Hannover, come with me please," he said as he turned on his heel. I walked behind him, rolling up the sleeves of my own lab coat.

"Dr. Graves," a guard opened the door for us.

"Thank you," Dr. Graves thanked the soldier shortly.

I grabbed the clipboard from the bracket on the wall outside the door we stood at. Daniel Hannover  was written at the top. My stomach sank.

"You understand, don't you?" Dr.Graves asked me.

"Yes. I nodded. We need to find a cure." My voice nearly cracked.

"W.C.K.D is good," The woman said as the two of us entered the room.

"No!" I gasped. They had my twin brother in the blue water cylinder.

I ran up to the glass, "Danny."

My brother's eyes widened as he struggled to hold his breath.  

Ava smiled at him, "Remember, W.C.K.D is good."

"You're hurting him!" I exclaimed. The sight of my sibling's distress felt like a knife to my heart.

Dr.Graves guided me away, "He won't remember a thing."

I turned at the last moment and ran back, "Danny!" I pressed my hands to the smooth glass. Daniel pressed his hands to mine though separated by the cylinders surface.

"I love you," I said.

He nodded, bubbles bursting from his mouth. Just as Daniel went limp arms reached down into the water and hauled his lean body out.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered to myself. I hated sending day. I quickly checked the space next to Daniel's name.

Subject sent. 

A tear drop plopped down on the sheet of paper.

          I stared at my tray of food. Though biscuits and stew were one of my favorites from the kitchen I had no appetite. Overhead a screen broadcast stated the recent cases of The Flare. Images of the infected appeared. I nearly gagged at the sight of the rotting flesh and veins.

"We have to find a cure." Dr. Paige's words echoed in my mind.

"Hey," Thomas said as he sat down.

"Hey," I said back.

"I'm sorry about Daniel. I didn't know they were sending him this soon."

I shrugged and dragged my spoon through the broth.

"If you're not gonna eat that," He motioned to my biscuits.

"Help yourself," I slid the tray towards him.

"Thanks," he said while stuffing one on his mouth.

"Danny was all I had. First Newt, then him."

"Oh, I was going to tell you. I got to look at the monitors today. Newts alive."

"He is," I sat up straight, hoping Thomas would tell me more.

"Yes, he seems alright. The others have accepted him."

I sighed, "I'm so glad. How does he look? Is he healthy?" 


I smiled to myself. That was great news.

       Thomas was called away so I returned to my apartment. Someone had sent an entire stack of mixed up case files so I sorted through them before I went to bed. Sleep didn't come easy with memories of my brother and I flying through my brain.

Another month crept by, another friend sent up.

I waved goodbye to Sam as they pulled his body out of the cylinder.

"Remember, W.C.K.D is good," Ava said close to my ear.

Why am I starting to doubt that? What good does it do to wipe the memories of a bunch of teenagers and send them into a potential death trap?


Just a heads up updates on this fic will by no means be on a schedule. My life is insanity :) Please let me know what you think!

-E <3

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