Newt's Story:

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         The next week passed in a blur. Molly, or She-bean #2 as she had been nicknamed had settled into life in the glade pretty well. Turns out she was a pretty good runner. The keepers had voted to allow her to train under Miho after she beat him in a footrace.

          I liked Zoe having a friend. I knew it wasn't easy for her to be the only girl in this place. Sometimes I worried about what went on in her head. I tried to be there for her but I wasn't great when it came to girl stuff. I had a lot to relearn. Minho had taken a special liking to Molly. He would deny it but me and I'm sure everyone else had noticed how smitten he was with her.

                The dew soaked my shoes as I made my way across the hazy glade. Overhead I could hear the distant rumble of thunder which indicated we were getting another storm. The moon was still high above the walls, though being slowly covered with thick clouds, as I limped my way towards Zoe's hut. I walked through the trees and brushed aside the curtain over her door. A pale beam of moonlight shone through the opening and illuminated Zoe's sleeping form.

"What are you doing here?" She yawned. "If Alby catches you it's a one trip to the labyrinth."

I chuckled and sat down on the edge of her bed.

"Newt I look awful!" My girlfriend groaned as she pulled the blanket over her head.

I pulled it down, "No you don't." I held in my laugh at the sight of her tangled hair. She smiled up at me and booped my nose, "You're too cute for your own good."

"Cute enough to get cuddled?" I pulled off my shirt and crawled under the blanket next to her.

She traced a faint scar on my chest, "Yes." Zoe snuggled into my chest. "If we get caught we are both dead." She laughed.

I didn't care. All I did care about was the feeling of her in my arms. Her body fit against mine perfectly. I held the back of her head, stroking her cheek with my thumb. Zoe wrapped me in her arms and sighed.

"I love you," She whispered.

"I love you more."

"Not possible."

"Anything is possible."


When I woke up the sun was shining through a thin crack in the wall. I rolled over to see Zoe kneeling in front of the shelf sorting through some clothes. She had her hair twisted up in a bun on top of her head and gray leggings that came up to her hips. Zoe's midsection was exposed except for her sports bra. I tried to pull my eyes from her but failed, miserably. I lightly crept up behind her. When she stood I wrapped my arms around her waist.

Zoe giggled, "Good morning to you too."

I kissed her shoulder, "Good morning lovely."

She leaned back against my chest. I peppered her neck with kisses while my hands held her bare waist. Zoe turned around and kissed me.

"Jump," I whispered. Zoe hopped and wrapped her legs around me. I kept one arm under her and wrapped the other around her, "That's better."

She slid down, "Newt I am too."

"Too what?" My arms wanted to hold her again.

"Heavy," She frowned and wrapped her arms around herself.

"Really? Well bloody, I was just thinking about how light you are," I smiled.

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not. I swear on it," I extended my arms back to her. "Come on."

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