Med-Jack #3:

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I heard the soft thud of feet wander past. No one was awake this early. However, she wasn't exactly average. I raked my fingers through my hair and pushed myself up on my elbows. Zoe was quietly creeping among the rows of hammocks. I watched her curiously. Where was she going? I dragged myself out of bed and followed her. The gates had already opened because the sun was just beginning to show its pale light behind the walls. Zoe ran across the field towards the doors. I sprinted after her. Just before she was about to step into the maze I slammed into her.

She yelped as our bodies fell to the ground in a tangled heap.

"Newt!" She hissed. "What the heck?"

"I'm saving your life!" I replied while trying to stand.

Zoe scrambled to her feet, "I was just curious."

"Well your curiosity nearly cost you your dang life!"

The girl sat down on the grass, "I'm sorry."

I reached over and squeezed her leg, "It's alright. I'll do you one more and not tell Alby."

"Thanks Newt."

I could drown in those eyes.

Zoe tucked a wave of hair behind her ear, "Is your leg okay?"

I looked down at my leg, "Yes. It's nothing. Old injury that never quite healed properly."


I stared into the maze. I knew this gate all too well. It was the one I almost didn't come back out of.

"That was some fight last night," I said. 

"It was nothing," She smiled. "I just couldn't let him win."

"Well, I think Gally will think twice before he challenges a girl."

"Speaking of girls. Where are the rest?"

I laughed, "You haven't seen any because they aren't any. You're the only one."

Zoe went pale, "Oh."

     Zoe joined Daniel for breakfast. I would be lying if I said I liked seeing them together. Daniel was tall and strong plus he didn't walk with a limp. I'd always been a little jealous of him. 

Something deep inside me felt connected to Zoe. Like we had shared something together. I just couldn't figure it out. What I did know was that no one made me feel like this before. The way she hypnotized me with her smile. Or how her brown hair blew in the breeze with a reddish glow and made me giddy.  

         I focused on piling fertilizer around the base of a tomato plant instead of letting my mind wander to Zoe. Was she okay? Was she happy? She seemed rather down. Maybe she was homesick? Should I go check on her? No, no no. I didn't want to crowd her.

Speak of the devil. Alby walked over with Zoe behind him.

"Hey Newt," Zoe smiled.

I swooned at how my name sounded coming from her mouth. "Hey."

Alby nodded to her, "Job choosing day. Ben's out running so I figured as second in command you should have the honors."

"Oh," I dropped my shovel and then picked it up. Zoe smiled at me. Yes, she smiled at me. Like me. Me newt? Yes.

"Oh uh, For sure," I said.

"Great man, thanks!"Alby said as he jogged away.

"So," Zoe said.

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