Burn Butcher Burn (Geraskier) (Songfic/Angst)

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I've never written a songfic before, so pls keep your comments positive, as I am still learning the gist of these. Thank you :D (Constructive criticism is also fine :))

It had been a couple of months since Geralt and Jaskier had been reunited. Jaskier had decided not to be as chatty, and loud as he once was with Geralt, for one, he missed Geralt, and didn't want to be left again, and for two, he was still bitter, call him petty, or what you will, he may have missed Geralt, but that doesn't mean he forgave him. In Kaer Morhen Jaskier kept his conversations with Geralt short, and quiet. Geralt took a notice of this and started to worry about Jaskier. One day at dinner some of the Witcher's decided to tease the bard.

Lambert entered the hall, and saw Jaskier eating some soup across from Ciri, and Geralt sitting across the room.

"Bard!" He shouts, getting the bards attention, "I heard of a song you wrote about to Geralt! Burn something something? I think you should sing it for us! We could use a bit of a distraction!"

"No- I didn't- it's not about Geralt. I-" Jaskier stutters, desperately trying to get out of the situation.

"Come on, I thought you were a bard! Sing a song!" Lambert says, as Coen comes into the hall, "Coen, tell the bard to sing for us! It'll be wonderful, won't it?"

"I agree, sing us a song bard."

Jaskier sighs, "Do you have a coin to toss? As you said, I'm a bard, we don't sing for free." He says, knowing he won't be able to get out of this, thinking he'd at least get paid for it.

"Alright, but only after the performance." Coen agrees.

Jaskier goes to get his lute from his room, and also grabs a bottle of ale he'd stashed earlier this month, knowing he'll need it by the end of tonight. He gets back into the hall, and Geralt moved to sit next to Ciri, and now Vesemir and Yennefer are now in the room as well.

Wonderful. Jaskier thinks, as he tries to slow his heartrate, knowing the Witchers can hear it.

"I hear you're alive, how disappointing." I wish you would die, and it would be by my hand.

 "I've also survived no thanks to you. Did I not bring you some glee, Mr. Oh Look at me, now I'll burn all the memories of you." Fuck you, Geralt.

"All those lonely miles, that you ride. Now you'll walk with no one by your side." I wish you loneliness, and pain in your travels.

The thoughts of the first time he sung this song floated through his head, making him feel resentment toward himself, for ever thinking those terrible thoughts.

"Did you ever even care? With your swords and your stupid hair." He didn't care. He never did. I should've known that.

"Now watch me laugh. As I burn all the memories of you." I wish I could forget you.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, you have been the most beautiful audience, remember to toss a coin if you can, if anyone needs me, I'll be at the bar." You'll get no more out of me.

"What for do you yearn? It's the point of no return." You can't come back from this.

"After everything we did, we saw. You turn your back on me." I'll turn my back on you.

"What for do you yearn? Watch that butcher burn." Burn in hell.

"At the end of my days when I'm through, no word that I've written will ring quite as true as," This is the most painful song I've written.

"Burn, Burn Butcher Burn." I just want you out of my head.

"Burn, Butcher Burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn." Just leave me alone.

"Watch me burn all the memories of you." You'll need me.

Geralt leaves the room and Ciri follows close behind. Jaskier puts his lute down, grabs his ale, and runs to his room before breaking down in tears in his bed. A few minutes go by, and he drank himself to sleep once again. A knock on the door echoes off the walls.

"Jaskier." Geralt's muffled voice is just enough to shock Jaskier out of his sleep, "I need to talk to you."

Jaskier mumbles a few curses under his breath before reluctantly getting out of bed and open the door to see Geralt standing with his arms crossed. His eyes meet Jaskiers, full of both sympathy and sadness. Geralt pushes into the room, and notices that Jaskier reeks of alcohol.

"Have you been drinking?" He asks, already knowing the answer, but wanting Jaskier to tell him himself.

"No," Jaskier says, before losing balance and falling toward Geralt, who catches him.

Jaskier pushes himself away from Geralt, and saying, "Maybe a bit." He says, slurring his words.

"Maybe you should lie down." Geralt suggests.

Jaskier sits on his bed, and asks, "Why are you in here?"

Geralt hesitates, this was a bad idea. "I wanted to check on you. Make sure you were alright."

"You've checked on me, you can leave now."

Geralt stutters a bit, before nodding and heading for the door, "I wanted to ask about that song," Geralt starts, "Who is it about?" Thinking it's about him but wanting to be sure.

Jaskier's heartbeat speeds up, "You." He sighs.

"Why would you write a song about me?"

Jaskier gets off his bed, and walks toward Geralt, "Because you hurt me. And you never even tried to stop me on that fucking mountain before I left." He snarls, suddenly all the emotions he felt when he wrote that song came boiling back to the surface, "I'm the reason you have everything you have now, and in return you locked me out. I gave you my all, I gave you my heart and you ripped it apart, threw it on the ground, and stepped on it just to be sure it was broken."

"Jaskier I-"

"By the Gods I can't believe I ever loved you. I can't believe I still do." Jaskier laughs, as he struts away from Geralt, running his hands through his hair stressfully.

"What?" Geralt looks to him.

Jaskier feels his stomach drop, as he realizes what he'd said, but he turns around to Geralt, "What the fuck." He walks to Geralt, cradling his head in his hand, and kissing him, Geralt's eyes widen, and he pulls away quickly.

"Jaskier-" Geralt mutters, as Jaskier backs away, "We should have this conversation when you're thinking clearly."

"No, no, I am thinking clearly, I am thinking more clearly than I have ever. I am in love with you Geralt, I have been for a while." Jaskier feels stinging in the back of his eyes as tears roll down his face, "But you can't seem to get your head out of your ass, and actually pay attention, or listen to people who care about you. You fell for Yennefer, who is quite possibly one of the worst people for you."

"Jaskier, listen to me for one second." Geralt grabs Jaskier's arm, "I know. I know you love me, I do. I have for a while too. I ignored it. I didn't want our friendship to end, but I didn't think about how that affected you. I thought if you saw me more, you'd lose those feelings, or you'd realize that I could only hurt you." Geralt sighs, "Or that you'd leave so I could ignore my feelings." He pulls Jaskier's collar to kiss him once again.

Once Geralt pulls away, Jaskier mutters, "You agree then." He snickers.

"I do."

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