A Confession❤️

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My sweet love❤️
I need you more then my body allows or my voice is willing to express.
You're voice soothes my soul and calms the storms in my mind; it helps me see clearly. Without you I am feel alone, lonely. At the thought of losing you, the breathe is swept away from me, out of my lungs. You mean more to me then I dare to admit because I may slightly fear I'll lose myself with how much I need you, with how much I love you.

With how much your touch brings me joy and ignites my stomach into butterflies and how your voice pulls me into sleep. I adore your kindness and gentleness and sweetness. I admire your patience. I enjoy your playfulness and I embrace your flaws as I hope you would mine.

You, my love, my partner, you are my mea vita. I don't need a nice ring so you can convince me to stay. You don't have to convince me to stay forever. I'm already yours. I'm yours to cry and smile and laugh with. Yours to argue with. Yours to hold and love and more.

You hold not only the key to my heart but to my soul. You feel me to my senses with joy. You make me feel alive and you my dear sweet boy hold my heart. 

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