Chapter 6- A Whole New Level of Crazy

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After reading at least five different articles- all of which basically said the same things- I shut my laptop and left the bedroom.

Of course, Myla followed, wagging her tail as we went to the kitchen to get a treat for her.

Ben was nowhere to be seen, so Myla and I just paced around the cabin for a while, my mind still stuck on those five words.

Maybe Ben was right, it was foolish of me to think I could figure this out.

In an attempt to stop thinking about it, I went to the kitchen and grabbed some of Myla's treats.

"Lay down," I told her softly, "Stay."

Once she was laying down, I went to the living room, broke up the treats, and hid them around the room.

After they were all hidden, I called Myla back and watched her trot through the doorway.

"Search," I told her.

She immediately started sniffing around, finding all the treats in under five minutes.

"How are you so good at this?" I asked in a soft voice as she pulled the corner of the rug back with her paw.

Instead of eating the treat, she sniffed around it and pawed at the floor.

Then she barked and looked up at me.

"Yeah, here's your treat." I picked it up and brought it to her mouth.

She made a huffing noise, pushing my hand away with her snout, and continuing to paw at the ground.

"It's the floor, puppy," I said, rubbing my hand over the hardwood floor, "What is it?"

Myla barked again and pushed my hand to where she was pawing.

I rubbed my hand over the spot, but there was nothing.

"Let's go get more treats," I said, standing up.

Usually, she would stop anything for a treat, but she didn't even look up from the floor.

"Come on, Myla," I said softly.

She did a small jump thing with her front paws and barked.

I heard a small click before she moved away.

A long strip of the floor flipped open, revealing a staircase.

Myla edged towards it, sniffing.

"Myla, leave it," I told her.

She immediately backed away and sat down, looking at me with her best doggie I told you so.

"Good girl."

I looked down at the staircase, seeing a light switch on the left side at the very top.

What in the world?

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