Chapter 19- Guilt

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"Do not tell me she found the basement

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"Do not tell me she found the basement."

"She found it within the first hour."

"And the office?"

"Got it open the same day."

I put my head back, closing my eyes with a sigh.

"She's a lot smarter than you give her credit for," Ben said.

"Wish I realized that sooner," I mumbled.

"Yeah, you really should have."

"Wow, thanks."

"What?" He asked, "I'm just telling the truth."

"Is she safe at least?"

Ben didn't say anything for a minute, looking around the cell.

"Is Blair safe?" I repeated.

"She was," He said, "If she got away from those idiots, she'll probably be with Adrian."

That got my attention.

"Uncle Hernandez? He was there?"

"He wasn't at the cabin when they took us, but he's been working on the case since you went missing."

"What about Myla and Carter?" I asked.

"They're-" "Well, well, well, look at the two of you," The moron's voice spoke as he approached the cell.

"What do you want, Alabaster?" Ben groaned.

"We've been over this, Benjamin. Are you really that foolish?"

"You want money?" I asked, "You can have all of it, just let us go and leave my family alone."

"Tell me where it is then."

Ben and I gave him a look that clearly said 'are you kidding me?'

"Where do you think money is kept, you moron?"

"Ah, ah, ah," Alabaster said, crouching in front of the chairs we were tied to, "I advise you not to speak to me like that, young man."

"Let us go and we'll give you the money you want." Ben stayed much calmer than me.

"Tell me where it is and I'll think about it."

I knew this guy was dumb but how does he not know where money is kept?

"It's called a bank account," I said slowly, as if speaking to a small child, "Do you know what that is?"

Ben nudged me with his elbow, attempting to shut me up.

"You do know I could kill you right now, correct?" Alabaster asked me, a murderous glint in his eyes, "I suggest taking Benjain's lead and shut your mouth before it comes to that. As for your beloved sister, don't think I'm not keeping tabs on her. I could have her down here and as good as dead within twenty minutes, so for her sake, I'd watch it if I were you."

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