Chapter 11- A Walk in the Woods

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*Three days later*

Blair hasn't left the basement since Wednesday

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Blair hasn't left the basement since Wednesday.

As soon as Adrian and Carter left, she went down there with Myla, and I've only seen them twice since then.

I was starting to worry.

As I walked down the stairs to the basement, which was now more of an investigation room, I tried to think of a way to get her to come out of here.

When I got to the bottom, I looked at the wall on my left, seeing papers, pictures, and post-it notes covering the whole thing.

There were even more that last night.

The rest of the room was empty, but the door to the office was open, a broom poll laid across the floor to stop it from closing.

And there was Blair, her head rested on the desk as she slept.

Geez, this kid.

I quietly went over to her and shook her shoulder gently.

"Blair-" "I'm not asleep," She mumbled, keeping her head on the desk.

"Why didn't you go to your room last night?" I asked.

"Need to figure it out first."

"There's nothing to figure out," I said, "Just go get some sleep."

"There has to be something," She said, sitting up and rubbing her eyes, "Mom and dad left clues, why wouldn't Grayson do the same?"

"Maybe he did, but you're not going to find anything when you can't even keep your eyes open."

"Ben-" "Go lay down, we're going on a walk when you wake up."

Thankfully, she didn't argue.

We left the office, Blair picking up the broom poll before going upstairs to her room.

I stayed in the basement for a minute, looking at the wall.

There were pictures of Blair's parents, letters from Alabaster, documents from when Grayson took the case, articles from when he was taken, even a map with pins in it, marking specific places.

It was a whole evidence wall.

I couldn't tell whether I was impressed, scared, proud, or a mixture of all three.

I always thought Blair was much different from Grayson and their parents.

She never seemed like the kind of person to get this enthralled by something- she used to be much more easygoing and laid back than the rest of her family.

Grayson was like that too though before Amanda and Bryan died.

Shaking that thought away, I left the basement and closed the floor, going to my room.

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