Chapter 25- Responsibility

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I'm not super happy with how this came out, but it is what it is ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯



Blair hasn't said a word since she left the interrogation room

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Blair hasn't said a word since she left the interrogation room.

I'm honestly shocked she didn't punch Rylee, but the way she handled it was perfect.

As we left New York City, neither of us spoke, Blair watching the snow as I drove.

I was trying to piece together what Rylee was talking about.

Obviously, she was in love with Grayson, which was kind of weird to me considering she never really seemed interested in that way.

For as long as I knew both of them, they were just friends.

What really confused me though was when she talked about Blair's parents.

I knew they died a few years ago during an undercover job, but Grayson never went into much detail.

But what did Rylee mean the "Master" got to Blair first?

Maybe she meant Alabaster?

But why would she refer to him by his name and "Master"?

I didn't want to ask Blair about it- she probably didn't want to talk about it- but if it helped the investigation, we needed to know.

The more we drove, the more nervous Blair seemed to become.

The back streets weren't the nicest, but it was safer than the main roads where anyone could find us.

"Please don't go to 5th street," She said out of nowhere, not looking away from the road.

"Why?" I asked.

"Please just don't."

I didn't.

We drove in silence for another half-hour before making it to a small, run-down apartment complex.

There were already five undercover agents roaming around, people Adrian sent here about a week ago.

He was kind of odd.

He's great at his job, a little too good sometimes, but he was prepared for anything.

Always three steps ahead.

"This is it," I said, turning the car off.

Blair nodded, looking around.

It was surrounded on all sides by more apartments, hidden, but not completely abandoned.

People still lived around here, which was a good cover if anything were to happen.

There would be witnesses.

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