Chapter 7- Codes

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That night, I couldn't sleep.

All I could think about was that safe and the basement.

Ben told me not to try and figure it out tonight because he knew I wouldn't sleep until I got it open.

But I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway, so what's the point of just laying here?

I jumped off the bed, quietly making my way to the door and opening it.

I quietly walked down the hall, trying not to wake Ben.

When I got to the master bedroom, I slowly opened the door, went inside, and shut the door behind me, turning the light on.

I went to the closet and opened the dresser, pulling the safe out.

It was unusually heavy, but I carried it to the bed and sat down.

I tried a few more random combinations, but none of them worked.

Then I remembered that one paper in my parents' bedroom at home.

The one with that code on it.


I typed it in and pulled the handle.

It didn't open.

Groaning in frustration, I tried hitting it to get it open, but of course, that did nothing.

What did those numbers even mean?

Did Mr. Hernandez know?

Who came up with such a random combination?

Unless it wasn't random.

Leaving the safe for now, I went back to my room and grabbed a piece of paper.

I wrote down the numbers how they were written in the letter, then rearranged them in as many different ways as I could think of.






None of them opened the safe.

As I went over the numbers again, I noticed something.


October 27th, 2015.

The day my parents died.

And if that note was from Alabaster...

"What are you doing?" Someone asked from the doorway.

I spun around to see Ben standing there, leaning against the door frame.

"There was a letter in mom and dad's nightstand at home with some numbers on it." I stood up and walked over to him. "It was 152107. If you mix it around, it's 102715."

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