Chapter 14- Idiots

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"Well done today, Novac

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"Well done today, Novac. You did as you were told, and just before your deadline too. You remember what the next phase is, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"Do it properly, and you'll keep your job. Do not let the kid out of your sight."

"I won't, sir. I'm positive she will lead us right to the treasure."

"And if she doesn't?"

"Grayson and Benjamin will suffer the consequences."

I smiled at the thought of that.

"Exactly. Now send in the other four, I'd like to have a word with them."

Novac left, and in came Eavenson, Morris, Rodreguez, and Harris.

They all kept their heads down, standing in front of my desk in a single file line.

I looked at the four cowards with a scrutinizing glair, relishing the look in their fearful eyes.

"Care to explain what happened?"

They glanced at each other, shifting nervously.

"She got away, sir," Harris mumbled.

"Gee, you don't say."

"We're so sorry, we promise it won't-" "You had one job- the easy one at that," I told them.

"How do you mess up something so simple?" I questioned, "She's sixteen. You've successfully kidnapped grown men twice her age without a problem. Did you want her to get away or something?"

"No, it was an accident, I swear," Rodreguez said.

"You can watch the body camera videos," Morris agreed.

The other three looked at him, eyes wide.

"No, no, there's no need for that, sir," Eavenson said quickly, "It was a complete accident, a fluke thing. It will never happen again."

"Well, you will be very dissatisfied to know I have already watched it all," I told them, anger lacing my voice, "So answer me again, did you want her to get away, or were you just being the idiots you are?"

"Idiots, sir," They said in unison.

I leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms with a frustrated sigh.

"And are those books you promised to keep safe?"

"That's on Novac-" "Novac has already been taken care of," I cut Harris off.

"The four of you promised to keep them safe," I said, struggling to maintain my composure, "Where are they?"

"The girl has them," Rodreguez admitted quietly.

"But there was nothing in them anyway," Eavenson defended quickly, "Even the stuff on the covers of a few didn't mean anything."

"Yeah, and with the other stuff we put on the plain ones, they'll be way off track," Morris said.

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