The Hunt

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Why is my life how it is? How the hell did I piss off the Fates in another life this bad? Who would've thought that I'd be here, Guardian of the Hunt, with the only thing between me and death by arrows being some bushes? Gods, I hate my life.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a voice say, "Guardian, you may come out now." I pulled my hood over my eyes and walked out of the vegetation. I was met with glares from all of the hunters, which made me unnoticeably recoil but managed to keep my firmly collected posture.

"Hunters," Artemis spoke. "This is our Guardian until death." "Got a name, boy?" Asked Phoebe, a hunter that I remember from before the mission to Othrys. I weighed my options. One wrong move and I was dead. A memory of a book I read in isolation came to mind. There was one character's name that I liked. What was it? Ronald? Roger?

"Ronin," I stated calmly. Thalia looked at me suspiciously but ultimately accepted my identity. Shit. If she recognizes me, I'm fucked. Artemis looked at me. "He has made a vow to uphold your oaths of virginity in the highest regards." She announced. "You have no weapons," one hunter stated. "How are you supposed to protect anything?"

"I'm working on it," I said with a bit of anger.

They all looked a bit mad at that, but I really wasn't in the mood to be told I couldn't protect shit.

"Hunters, dismissed," Artemis said, turning to me. "Atlanta isn't wrong," she said. "You do need weapons." "I'll go to Hephaestus when I get the chance, milady," I replied. She nodded and went to Thalia to discuss some important stuff. "Where do you specialize?" Asked a hunter that managed to sneak up on me.

"What?" I asked. "What do you specialize in, combat-wise?" She said again. "Melee." I returned. She made a motion to follow her and headed for what looked like a combat area. She tossed a sword with a curved hilt and a wolf head at the end.

She took a combat stance with a spear and lunged. I barely had time to react as she almost drove it straight through my gut. I dodged and parried most attacks with my sword, and managed to get a slight upper hand when the bladed end went to the other side of her.

I went for a slash. But suddenly the butt of the spear came and sent me flying a good 10 feet away. She laughed and helped me to my feet. This time I went first, practically flying at her as she managed to block all my attacks. I just slightly managed to dodge a slice to the chest when I was once again hit with the butt of the spear, then the shaft. I fell with my bruised face in my hand as the spear was pointed mere inches from my throat.

"So, you got a name?" I asked. "Merina, daughter of Aphrodite." was the response. Merina lifted the spearhead and helped me to my feet again. "How do you do that?" I questioned, pointing to the butt of the spear. "Skill, practice, and patience, my friend." She replied.

"So," I said. "This mean we're good?" I asked. "Sure, until I find a reason not to." She laughed. What luck. I actually made a friend in the Hunt. And on the first day, no less. I must really be as charming as they say.

Rejoice, for you have been blessed by a new chapter. No, seriously, I'm up at 1 am right now writing this. Gods, what am I doing with my life? And I'm going to try longer chapters now since that was a request I got. Also, something I forgot.

Disclaimer: I do not own any materials used here except the plot itself.

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