|39| You're My Juicy Contradiction

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"I don't need to live by your rules. You don't control me. Until you've walked a mile in my shoes, you don't know me."

-You Don't Know Me

Ariana Grande


I walk into my house with Harry trailing behind, and I'm immediately greeted by my babies. I crouch down petting my dogs as they go on a frenzy at the sight of me.

I gasp when I catch eyesight of Toulouse.

"Frankie!" I holler, and Harry closes my front door.

"What?!" He hollers back.

"What the fuck happened to Toulouse?!" I demand to know.

"Oh. He fell off one of the chairs. It was funny as hell!" Frankie laughs.

"Oh, my poor baby." I coo, scooping him up into my arms. "Mama's here now. Your back must be killing you..."

He looks up at me with sad eyes, and whimpers. I pout, holding him against my chest.

"I'll have to take him to the vet to make sure he's okay." I say.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. After all, he's got a hella tough mama..." Frankie assures me.

"C'mon, baby." I speak to Toulouse in a baby voice as I carry him up to my room.

As I sit down of my bed with Toulouse, Harry comes in.

"Hey. The boys left. Is he okay?" He asks, and I shrug.

He sighs, and I raise an eyebrow. "What?"

"One minute, you're a bitch, then the next you're a sweetheart. First, you act like Satan, then it's like you're an angel. You tell me you have no heart, but then I watch as you show so much love to your dogs and your family. I don't get it. I don't understand you. Help me understand you." Haz replies.

"Why should I? Stop trying to figure me out like I'm some type of problem case that you're trying to crack. If I want you to understand me, then I'll tell you about me. But until I say that--if I ever say that-- fuck off." I snap.

"I just want to know why you're like this--" He says.

"YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS! You fucking messed me up, and then you just think you can come back, and everything will be fine? You think everything'll just be perfect, and go back to the way it was? You're wrong. I'm never going back to who I was, 'cause that Ariana, she was weak. She was a disgrace. And she's someone I never want to be again."

"What's so bad about going back to her?!"



"Get out." I demand.

"No." He crosses his arms over his chest.

Toulouse climbs out of my lap, and heads out of my bedroom.

"I said get out." I state.

"No." Haz repeats, closing my door, and anger boils inside me.

I run, screaming profanities at him, as I push him with all my might, just wanting him to leave, but at the same time wanting him to stay. He confuses me so much. He's messing with my head without even knowing it.

His strength surpasses mine, and he barely moves an inch with my shoves. I grit my teeth as I try to force him out. He then, grabs my wrists, stopping my attempts.

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