|47| Hold Me Tight Within Your Clutch

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"I'll pick you up when you're gettin' down."

-Lego House

Ed Sheeran


The five of us walk into the radio station where we're set to have an interview. The guy signals for us to take our seats and tells us we're on the air in 5....4....3....2....1.

"We got the infamous One Direction in the studio today, and the females are overflowing outside. Now since we're on the topic of females, who's taken and who's single?" The interviewer asks.

Liam decides to speak. "Harry and I are currently the only single ones."

"What? Ugh, now Harold, you know I have to ask. You and Ariana Grande? We caught you guys lip locking at the beach and you guys have dated in the past. You've written a song for her, I mean that's gotta say something." He points out.

"Uh, yeah we've dated before, but I have been friend-zoned. The photo was originally a kiss on the cheek , but it's been photoshopped. I've written her a song but just a gift from one friend to another." I shrug even though the people listening won't be able to see it.

"So you don't feel anything? I mean it's okay if you don't considering she looks 12. But, hey, maybe you dig the young face and small body." He chuckles.

"Woah, there mate. Don't talk about her like that." Liam jumps in. "She's perfect the way she is."

"And I dig her because she's genuine and real, and smart. The fact that she's drop dead gorgeous is just a bonus. I wouldn't care if she looked 12 or 76 because the way she's made up on the inside will always appeal more to me." I go off on him without thinking but I don't regret my words seeing as they're nothing but the truth.

"Woah, folks. I think I hit a nerve with Harry!" He announces, then him and the boys continue the rest of the interview, leaving me out of it since I'm obviously not in the mood to answer any more dumbass questions.

The interview ends shortly after, and I don't bother shaking hands with the douche. How come everyone always assumes that I only care about a woman's appearance? Yes, that's the first thing I notice, but I'm not going off that alone. I couldn't care less whether or not Ariana had a big ass or a huge rack. Would it be nice? Yeah. Is it perfectly fine that her ass is tiny and she has an a-cup chest? Hell yeah. Kendall and Taylor were also flat-assed and small-chested. Only difference is they're taller, and closer to my height. But I like that Ari's so small, her body molds into mine when we're spooning. I never really had a type of girl that I preferred, but now the only girl I want is her. And if she's a 12 year old, then she's the sexiest, oldest-looking, 12 year old I've ever laid eyes on. I'm just glad she's not actually 12, 'cause then the daily thoughts I have of her would be considered statutory rape.

"Haz! Answer your fucking phone!" Louis snaps me out of my thoughts. I pick up the phone and press the little green call button.

"Hey, Selena." I greet her.

"Hey, Scooter said in a few days we should go meet Ariana at her house then the three of us plus Justin should go out. Sound good?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

"Cool, bye." She hangs up.

"Was that your precious Aribear with another bootycall?" Louis teases me.

"I literally said 'hey, Selena' at the start of the call." I roll my eyes.

"Woah, folks I think I hit a nerve!" Lou imitates the dumbass interviewer, and we all crack up. Serves him right, trying to point out all my girl's flaws when she has none. Wait, when did I start addressing Ariana as my girl?

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