|48| Liriana Day!

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"You give me chills every time we chill."

-Lovin' It

Ariana Grande


I wake up to Ophelia on top of me. She then decides to bring her big slobbery mouth up to my face, licking my cheek. I groan in slight disgust but more annoyance that I was pulled out of my slumber by the big furball. I push her off me, and she prances off to go bother someone else. I check my phone, and I have a message from Harry.

Good Morning, beautiful! Hope you slept well. I'll talk to you soon. (;

I roll my eyes at his blatant flirting, getting up to go get in the shower. I turn on the water, and step under it. The scalding hot water singes my skin before I turn the knob, the water temperature adjusting. I wash my body, then ponder whether I should wash my hair. I become lazy, and decide to wash it tomorrow. I step out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my nude figure, and walk out of the bathroom and into my bedroom.

I find Alexa and Frankie bickering at my door, and I raise an eyebrow at them. Frankie nudges Alexa, and she elbows him. He pushes her forward, and she walks backwards against his shoving. He mumbles "ask her!" And she mutters "no I don't wanna!"

"Um, I'm not really dressed right now so..... Could I watch you two fight another time?" I ask, walking over to my closet.

"Alexa! Now!" Frankie commands, and she rolls her eyes then steps forward.

"We were gonna go out to the club tonight, and we wanted to know if you wanted to tag along." She fidgets with her necklace, looking anywhere but at me.

"Um, I don't know...." I trail off. She's usually ignoring me throughout the house, so our conversation is the definition of awkward.

"If you already have plans, it's fine."  She grumbles angrily.

"No. I'll go." I confirm, and she simply nods in response. We stand there, avoiding each other's gazes.

Frankie scoffs. "Will you two just make up already?!"

"I am going to go... somewhere." Lexie dismisses herself, exiting my room.

"You have fun with that." I retort as she leaves. I kick Frankie out of my room, and walk into my closet.

I decide that I'm gonna go work out today, so I put on a sporty crop top and some short sports shorts. I throw my hair up in a messy bun, and walk out of the closet. I find my phone ringing, and the caller ID says it's Liam. I answer the call.

"Hey, Li. What's up?" I ask, descending downstairs to the kitchen.

"Nothing. Just sitting in your kitchen, enjoying some fruit." He replies, and sure enough, I see him propped on one of my stools by the island counter.

He grins at me, and pops another grape in his mouth. I hang up, and walk over to him, allowing him to wrap me in a tight embrace. His strong arms rope around my torso as he lifts me off the ground, and spins me in a circle.

I giggle before demanding that he set me back down on the ground. I ask him what brings him by.

"I wanted to hang out with you today." He shrugs.

"Oh. Ok. You wanna go out work out with me?" I offer.

"Yeah, sure." He smiles. I then notice how he's already wearing a tank top and basketball shorts.

We walk towards the door, and I tell Frankie to pack the dress and stuff I'm gonna wear tonight, and put it in a bag before dropping it off at the studio. I have to go have dance practice there later. I know the choreography like the back of my hand, but Scooter still demands that I go practice.

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