|7| Not Anymore

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*A|N: This chapter might get a little confusing but bear with me. I'm trying to make things clear.*

"I'll still be a fool, 'cause I'm a fool for you."

-A Little Bit of Your Heart

Ariana Grande, written by Harry Styles


I storm out, slamming the door. I can't even stand to look at that bitch! After everything he did, she still gets back with that fuckboy! Fine by me, I'm not the one who's gonna be toyed with. Why the hell would I care? I can't believe I turned into some fucking caring bitch for another fake whore. Well, it's not happening ever again. I turn down into an alley, taking a short cut to Rick's place. He seems surprised but highly amused to see me barge in. Dick. I give him a look, and he has one of his guys pass me a bag of weed. I take a seat and grab the vodka bottle next to me. After a few minutes of me smoking, and drinking, and Rick staring at me like a pedophile, he says, "Do you wanna talk about it?" Well, I have to take this shit out on someone. But not her. Not again.


We were laughing and having a good time. The room fell silent as soon as he walked in. He ran over to Ariana, and she jumped up, not giving him the time of day.

"Ari, please. I'm so sorry!" The fuckboy begged.

"No, Jai! I've had it with your bullshit! I'm not gonna be the second choice, either you take all of me, or none of me." Ariana grimaced.

"I want all of you--"

"Obviously not! You proved that when you fucked Tori!!"

"I know! It was a mistake, please. I'll do anything. I love you, just please."

"You love me?"

"Yes! Of course I do!"

"Then how about some time you start acting like it?!" Ari growled.

"Okay." He nodded. He got down on one fucking knee, and she gasped. "Ariana Grande, I'm sorry for all the terrible mistakes I've made. Trust me I won't make them ever again. But please take me back, and do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Oh hell to the fucking no. I stood there frozen, watching the scene unfold. I clenched my fists as she nodded her head.

"I forgive you Jai! I love you too!" She said while jumping into his arms. I finally found my voice, but when I did, it wasn't pretty.

"This is straight up bullshit! How the hell can you fucking forgive him so easily?! He fucked another girl, that's not love! A girl who almost got her face fucked up by you over it. And you forgive him for a fucking ring? That's pathetic. I knew some girls were low, but I never thought you were one of them. You're just another pathetic slut." I spat in disgust as I watched her eyes filled with hurt and betrayal and tears, but I couldn't care less. I walked out of the room and headed straight to the door, not bothering to look back, knowing she was not coming after me...

--End of Flashback--

"Yikes! That's fucked up, man.." Rick shakes his head.

"I know! And I turned into some bitch whenever I was around her. She made me feel noticed, but she just turned and left me in the crowd." I say.

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