|14| 5 Left (part 2)

285 9 13

"Nobody loves you, baby, the way I do."


-One Direction



There he stood at my doorstep. My childhood best friend. My first kiss. My first boyfriend. My first love. The one person I hate more than the word hate can even allow. Even after all this time after what happened, I still here the sorrow, and anger in my voice as I say his name. "Graham."

"Hey, 'Ana...." He says, looking down at his feet. He was the only one who would take the last 3 letters of my name, and use it as my nickname. Even as the years past, the nickname falling from his lips, it still melted me. What am I thinking? I'm over this motherfucker. I have Harry now, and I'm happy.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I say, snapping into my regular self.

Just then, Harry comes out shirtless with some shorts on.

"Babe, who's at the door-- Oh hey." He says before seeing him standing there, recognition in both their eyes. They know each other. Fuck everything. "Ari, this is Graham Phillips. He's my mom's gardener, lemme guess dude, she asked you to bring Jamie for her, didn't she?"

Graham nods in response. "Here's your pussy." He hands Harry a calico cat, and Haz immediately changes octaves and cradles the animal. She snuggles up to him, eyeing me slightly, but I shrug it off.

"Who's daddy's best pussy? You are! Yes, you are! Sorry babe, but you're a close second...." Harry uses baby talk to Jamie, but addresses me in his normal voice. I take note that Graham raises his eyebrows at Haz's mention of me.

Harry puts the kitty down, and comes back to the door. "So what do you think of each other?"

"He's a jackass...." I mutter a little too loudly as Harry gives me a confused stare.

"We've met before Haz." Graham explains.

"Oh. Well from Ariana's rather rude comment, I'm guessing it wasn't on very good terms. Why don't you come in Graham, and we can, y'know, catch up." Harry offers, completely oblivious to the death glares I'm giving him.

"Sure." Jackass agrees and steps into the apartment.

I grab Harry's wrist, dragging him into the bedroom. As I'm pulling him along, he tells the Jackass "we'll be back in a sec."

I close our bedroom door before turning around, crossing my arms, and glaring at Harry. I'm slightly taken back when i notice that he's doing the same.

"Harold--" I start.

"Oh, don't you 'Harold' me when you're out there acting like a bitch in front of my friend. What I own reflects on the type of person I am, and you just made me look like a douchebag!" He rants.

I walk into the bathroom looking in the mirror. Haz follows me asking what I'm doing as I check my flesh for markings.

"I don't see your name on me, so you don't own me." I grimace, getting ready to storm out but he grabs my arm. His grip isn't so tight that it hurts, but it's tight enough to keep me from being able to pull away. He turns me quickly, bringing my chest flush against his, wrapping his other hand around my other arm, his usual emerald hues turning a darker shade filled with anger and lust.

"You are mine." His eyes blazing before he crashes his lips against mine. My eyes instantly close, and all the anger slips away from me as our lips move in sync. His lips trail their way from my lips, to my jawline, then to the sweet spot on my neck, making me suck in a breath sharply. His hands unwrap from my arms, and make their way down to my hips, pushing his region against mine, making his boner obvious. I gasp, feeling him smirk into my neck, before we both hear it. The distinct scratch on the bedroom door from a certain cockblocking calico.

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