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Nunew's POV

I was walking to school when i saw Zee, walking too

I had a crush on Zee before we became friends, I'm planning on confessing to him after school

But what if he's not into guys..?

"Zee!" i shouted making him turn to me

"Oh, Nhu" he said smiling slightly

I ran towards him, smiling while we continued walking

"Let's go to school together!" i said

He smile, nodding while caressing my head, making me flutter

We both then arrived at school a few minutes later, I then saw Nat and Fiona talking to each other at the hallway

I have been friends with Nat and Fiona ever since kindergarten, we were Best Friends

They also knew that I like Zee and planned to help me confess to him after school

"Nat! Fiona!" i shouted making them turn, seeing me and Zee

Both of them then gave me a cheeky smile making me glare at them

"Hey Nhu!" Fiona said, smiling "This is the third time you and Zee are walking to school together"

Nat said looking at me teasingly as I slap his arm hard making him groan in pain

"Hey, I was just saying!" he said making me glare at him while Zee was just standing, looking at me and Nat

"Let's go to class now, we don't wanna be late" Zee said as I smile, nodding.

I then walked towards my locker, placing my backpack inside as I got my book for our first class

I then went inside the classroom seeing everyone talking to each other

"Nhu! Here!" Fiona said, waving at me as I waved back, walking towards her

I then sat next to her, smiling

Me and Zee have separated classrooms, but sometimes we go in the same classrooms so i was kinda sad, not seeing him sometimes

"Oh yeah, Nat is also gonna confess to Max tomorrow!" Fiona said making me look at her, surprised and happy at the same time

"Really? oh my gosh I hope Max likes him back!" i said, crossing my fingers while Fiona did the same

"Manifesting Max likes Nat!" Fiona squealed making me laugh slightly

Few seconds later, our teacher then walked inside as everyone ran to their table

"Okay everyone settle down, no more chit chatting" teacher said as everyone then got their book out as me and Fiona did the same

- Later -

First class finally ended as me and Fiona walked out of the classroom seeing Zee and Nat walk outside their classroom too

But.. why did Zee walk out with a girl?

Nat ran towards me making me frown "Nhu! you have to hear this!" he said making me confused

"We have a new classmate!" Nat said making me and Fiona's eyes widen slightly, looking at each other

"And.. it seems like she knows Zee" he said making me look back at Nat

I then looked at Zee and the girl, talking to each other

"Is that the girl, walking with him?" i questioned, pointing at them making Nat look at them

"Yeah, it's her. Her name is Kylie" Nat answered making me bite my inner cheek

"Oh.. okay" i said weakly as Fiona and Nat look at me

"Hey, are you okay?" Fiona questioned, patting my shoulder

"Yeah I'm fine, let's go get our book for our next class hm?" i said, Nat and Fiona looked worried.

I then walked towards my locker, getting my book for my next class

I walked inside the classroom seeing Zee, i smile slightly

But before I could sit beside him, someone already did, it was Kylie..

"Oh, he's sitting with her" i thought, i then sigh as I sat down on an empty table, placing my book

Our teacher then walked inside the classroom as I look at Zee who was already looking at me

I looked away immediately, feeling embarrassed

"He was already looking.." i thought, smiling slightly

Zee's POV

"Aren't you happy that I'm here?" Kylie questioned making me look at her

"Yeah, I guess" i said making her smile

Kylie is my friend, I didn't expect her to transfer here but, oh well.

I looked at Nunew who was sitting alone, listening to our teacher who was discussing

"I'll treat you to dinner after school, how does that sound?" Kylie whispered making me look at her

"Sure" i said making her smile happily as I chuckle

- Later -

Second class ended as I walked out of the classroom with Kylie

"Could you stop following me? it's weird" i whispered

"Hm, no" she said. I then saw Nunew who was walking towards his locker.

I walk towards him, patting his shoulder making him turn "Oh, Zee!" he said, smiling making me smile slightly

"Hey Nhu" i said, "What are you doing here?" he asked "Oh I just wanted to-"

"Hi!" Kylie said cutting me off, I look at her then back to Nunew, Nunew's smile slowly faded making me frown

"I'm Kylie, Zee's friend" she said hand shaking Nunew making Nunew blink a couple times as I chuckle

"Oh, hi I'm Nunew" he said making Kylie smile

Nunew then looked at me "Zee, do u wanna eat lunch with me?" he asked "Yeah, of course" i said smiling slightly

"Auctually, hes having lunch with me" Kylie said, holding my arm making me look at her confused

Nunew stayed silent for a few seconds "Oh.. okay, I'll just eat with Nat and Fiona" he said, walking away

I glare at Kylie who was looking at Nunew weirdly

"What are you doing?" i said, Kylie look at me

"It's my first day here, can't you spend time with me just on this day?" she said making me sigh

"Fine, just this day okay?" i said as she smile happily

Nunew's POV

I sat down beside Nat and Fiona quietly making the both of them look at me

"Hey, what happened? you look sad" Nat questioned as I sigh

"Is it about Zee?" Fiona asked making me nod slowly

"Gosh that darn man!" Fiona said angrily

"Girl it's not Zee, it's Kylie" Nat said, "Oh, well that darn girl!" she said as I eat my food quietly making Nat and Fiona worried

"Hey, your gonna confess to him later! Cheer up! You can't be sad when your gonna confess to him" Nat said trying to cheer me up

I just ignored them and continued to eat my food.

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