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Nunew's POV

I smile to myself as Zee kept flirting with me through chat.

Zee : My life won't be perfect without you Nhuu~

I giggled. I then sigh, pouting. I miss him already even though I just got home 2 hours ago..

: I miss you Zee..

I typed

Zee : Nhu, you just got home and you already miss me? Haha

I laughed slightly. "Nhu!" i frown hearing someone calling my name outside my dorm

I got up, walking towards the door as i opened it seeing Mha, I gasp softly "Surprise!" she said making me laugh softly

"Mha! Your here!" i said crashing into her arms, as she chuckle "Awh, how's my baby?" she said making smile "I missed you" i cooed

She chuckles as i pull away smiling as she kissed my forehead making me hum

"Come, I'll make you your favorite dinner!" she said making me nod as i let her go inside my dorm.

I ate my favorite food as Mha watched me eat deliciously, I look at her as i hum seeing her not eat anything

"Mha, aren't you hungry?" i asked making her smile slightly "I already ate Nhu~" she cooed pinching my cheek making me hum

"Soo, how's school?" she asked making me look back at my food "Nothing special.." i said softly

I then look back at her, fighting the urge if I should tell her I'm into men..

I sigh in defeat, "Mha.." i said softly making her hum, "Would you.. Support me if I were into men..?" i said making her freeze

"Nhu.. Are you gay?" she said softly making me bite my lips softly, I slowly nodded making her gasp softly

"I knew it!" she squealed making me confused, how did she know I was into men? who told her I was into men?

"What do you mean?" i said looking at her completely confused

"Auctually, Zee told me you two liked each other while I was on my way here" she said making me open my mouth slightly as a gasp

Why did Zee tell her?

She pulls my hands slightly, caressing it with her thumbs "Nhu, I support you, support you so much" she whispered

"But there's one rule!" she said making me flinch slightly as she let go of my hands

"You will only be dating him once you turn 18!" she said pointing a finger up making me chuckle, nodding

She smiles, as we both then burst into laughter

"I love you Nhu"

She said making me smile "I love you too Mha.." i whispered as she pout "My baby is finally growing up~" she cooed, caressing my cheek

I hum "When did I not grow up?" i said making her laugh slightly as i glare at her.

- Next Day -

I got into school as I saw Zee waving at me making me smile, God.. How much I missed him

He opens his arms making me giggle running towards him as I crashed into his arms making him stumble back while he regained balance kissing the top of my head as I melt into his arms

"Were acting as if we are a real couple.." i said softly making him chuckle. I pulled away looking at him

"We will be.. Soon" he said confidently making me smile nodding as he pinched my nose making me scrunch my face, humming

I then realize that he told my mom that we liked each other as i got out of his arms, pinching his arm hard "Ouch! What was that for?" he asked hissing, rubbing the part where I pinched him

"You told Mha that we liked each other without my permission you jerk!" i said pouting making him look at me, chuckling

"Sorry, i was about to but you weren't seening my messages" he said as he blew the part where I hurt him as I rub it

"Sorry.. But you owe me jellies later!" i said making him smile while I kept my smile as he hugged me making me hum

"Your so cute Nhu.. Okay, I'll buy you jellies later and you'll forgive me, hm?" he said placing his chin on top of my head making me hum, hugging him back as everyone made teasing noise.

I then realized alot of people were watching us as I tried to get out of Zee's grip while he didn't let go, gripping tightly making me whine

"Let them be, so they'll know your my only one" he said making me sigh in defeat. nodding slowly as I felt him smile making me giggle.

"I love you Nhu.." he whispered making me smile, ignoring his words teasingly.

He pull away slightly looking at me "Say it too." he said as I just look at him, smiling

"Say it, or I'll kiss you right here" he said sternly making me chuckle

"Ok, ok I love you too dummy.." i whispered, feeling embarrased

He pout "Say it louder.. I can't hear you" he said making me hum

"I love you!" i said as everyone made more teasing noise as Zee smiled, feeling satisfied

I glare at him "You still owe me jellies.." i muttered making him chuckle, nodding.

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