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Zee's POV

Nunew just broke up with me, I-I didn't mean to not believe him, what if he was telling the truth? It's my fault I shouldn't have believed Kylie

I love Nunew so much, but I don't know if he was really not talking bad about Kylie, he wasn't that kind of person

He would never talk bad about someone like that, that's not the Nunew I know.

"Fuck.." i whisper to myself, I left the room immediately and tried to find Nunew "Please forgive me Nhu.. I'm sorry" i thought.

Nunew's POV

I cry silently inside the bathroom stall after what happened just now

I thought he was my boyfriend, why didn't he believe me? This wasn't his or my fault, It was Kylie's

Kylie was the one who started this, she wanted Zee to be hers that's why she accused me of talking bad about her to Zee

But somehow.. Zee believed her..

"I hate this.." i whisper to myself as I wipe my tears

The bell rang as I ignored it, not having the energy to go to class

"I'll just go to detention later.." i thought before hugging my knees as I hid my face, crying softly.

Nat's POV

I got into class with Fiona as we look around not seeing Nunew anywhere

I frown as I look at Fiona "Nhu isn't here" i said "Aow, i thought Nhu will be at the same classroom as us?" she asked as I bite my lips

"Is Zee and Nhu still not done talking to each other?" I ask as Fiona shrug

I sigh "This is Nhu's first time he's about to get detention.." I said as Fiona agreed.

Zee's POV

I clutch my fist as I couldn't find Nhu anywhere, i gave up as I then walk towards my classroom when someone pats my shoulder making me turn seeing Kylie

"Where have you been?" she asked, i ignore her as I tried to get inside the classroom when she pulled my arm making me push her hand away from my arm

"What do you want?!" I said almost shouting making her flinch but I didn't care, i started to hate her

"Are you mad at me?" she asked as I clench my jaw in anger

I look away as I sigh, i look at her again "I like Nunew" i said without hesitation, her eyes widen slightly

"What?" she said looking slightly unsure

"Go ahead tell everyone, I don't care" i said clutching my fist

"You like Nunew?" she asked "Yes, not only I like him, I love him." i said not taking my eyes off her

"I thought you liked me.." she said making me scoff

"You really thought I would like a liar like you?" i said as she looks at me, confused

"What are you talking about?" she asks "Don't try to act like you don't know Kylie" i said walking towards her as she walk backwards

"Zee, what are you-" "So tell me, do you have proof that Nhu talked bad about you?" i said looking down at her

She stood there, not replying to my question as I smirk "See? no proof, i don't even know why I believed you" i said

"I don't care if you tell everyone that i like Nunew, but just know that no one will ever like a liar like you." i said as I then turned my back at her

But before I left "I might even expose your secrets also, so just you wait" i said as I felt her gasping softly

I smirk proudly then left her there, standing.

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