Special Chapter ( 2 )

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Nunew's POV

Tomorrow is my birthday! I couldn't wait to celebrate it with Zee and my friends, i also couldn't wait to finally become Zee's boyfriend.

"Nhu!" Fiona called as i turn seeing her with running towards me with Nat

"Aow, what are you two doing here? Class is about to begin soon" i asked "Zee.." Nat breathed out making my eyes widen slightly

"Why? What happened to him?! Where is he?!" i asked, worried

"He needs you at the rooftop.." Fiona said "What does he want? Did something happen to him?" i said looking at them

"Just go! He needs you" Nat said pushing my as i sigh, running towards the rooftop upstairs

I breathed out, opening the door as the air caressed my face and body. I looked around, not seeing Zee anywhere

"Where is he..?" i thought, soon someone wrapped their arms around my waist as i gasped softly, he rested his chin on my head as i sigh, realizing it was Zee

"Hia, this is the third time you tricked me!" i said, annoyed as he chuckled "Sorry.. I just really love hugging you" he said as i pull away, turning around looking at him

"It's not funny anymore.." i mumbled, folding my hands as he laughed slightly, wrapping his arms around my waist as he pulled me slowly

He rested his head on my shoulder, face on my neck as he sniffed it slightly "I love you Nhu.." he mumbled as i giggled, wrapping my arms around his waist

"I love you too Hia" i said softly as he kissed my neck making me hum, pulling away slightly as he looks at me with a pout

"Kiss.." he whispered as i giggled "I'll give you later~" i said, rubbing his chest as he whine

"I want now~" he cooed walking towards me slowly as i hum "Hia~ I said later~" i said, pinching his cheek

I giggled seeing how cute he was pouting

"You don't love me anymore.." he said, looking away folding his arms as i giggled "Hia~" i said rubbing his arm "Hmph.." he said softly

I sigh, giving him a peck on his cheek as he look at me slowly

"There, now let's go to class we're about to be late" i said, looking up at him

"I want in the lips.." he said bending down slightly, pecking me in the lips as i hum

"Hia..~ You've been very naughty nowadays.." i said as he chuckled, giving kisses around my face as i whine, stopping him

"Hia~ Let's go to class now.." i said walking away when he grabbed my arm making me hum in surprise

He pulled me close as our bodies touched "H-Hia-" "Let's skip class" he said making my eyes widen slightly

"Are you crazy? Skipping class?" i said, trying to get out his grip but he wouldn't let me

"Please.. I wanna spend time with you instead of learning.." he cooed as i sigh "Zee Pruk." i said sternly as his eyes widen slightly, letting go slowly

"I can't skip class.." i said softly as he stood there, quiet

"Are you mad..?" he said fiddling with his hands as i sigh "I'm not.. I just can't skip class" i said, caressing his cheek as he looks at me with a pout

"Sorry.." he whispered making me smile slightly. I push myself up, kissing his forehead

"Good boy.." i said, patting his head as he looked at me, eyes widen slightly.

Zee's POV

I pushed him against the storage room wall as we kissed. I open my eyes seeing him with his eyes closed while kissing

He tried to push me but I didn't budge, I continued to kiss him deeply as he moan softly

I carried him by his thighs as he hum, pulling away. "Hia.. Do you think doing it here is safe?" he breathed out

"It's fine.." i replied as i continued to kiss him

I kissed him roughly as he whimpered, I put him back down slowly

Few minutes later, I pulled away as we both breathe hard, foreheads resting against each other

He opened his eyes slightly, looking at me

"This is your fault.." he said as i chuckled, kissing his forehead

"We already did it a few days ago.." he whispered as i laughed slightly "Why not everyday?" i said as he hum, hitting my chest "Crazy.." he said as i chuckled.

I got bored so these two wanted to do their thing instead 😉.

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