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- Few Day's Later -

Nunew's POV

"Why did you change your mind?" Fiona asked worriedly "I just feel like he likes Kylie.." i said

"Why would you think Zee likes Kylie?" Nat said looking at me, "He's spending too much time her, ever since Kylie transferred here, he's been a little distant to me.."

I said as Nat and Fiona looked at each other then back to me "But you won't give up.. Right?" Fiona said patting my shoulder

"I don't know.." i said "Hey, don't give up. Don't let Kylie be all over Zee" Nat said as he look at Zee who was talking to Kylie at his locker

"I'll go first now, I might be late" i said closing my locker leaving Nat and Fiona

I went inside the classroom seeing everyone, I was about to walk towards an empty table when I heard someone call my name "Nhu!" i turned back seeing Kamnan seating at an empty table, smiling

Kamnan has been my friend ever since elementary, he's a year older than me. But we usually don't talk to each other sometimes cause he's been busy taking care of his grandma

His parents died in a car accident, he only had his grandma.

"Oh? Kamnan" i said seating beside him "How have you been?" he asked looking at me "I'm fine, how about you and your grandma?" i said

"Yeah I'm fine, same with my grandma" he said making me smile slightly

Our teacher then came in a few minutes later, I put my book from the table as Kamnan did the same

While I was listening to the teacher, i felt someone looking at me. I turned to my side seeing Zee who was looking at me, I didn't know he was in the same classroom with me

I just smiled at him, but then he passed me a note making me frown looking at the note.

I then opened the note seeing his handwriting, 'Why didn't you seat with me?' I looked at him then back at his note, I got my ballpen as I wrote 'Sorry, Kamnan wanted me to seat with him'.

I then passed the note back to him as he opened it seeing what I wrote, he just looked at me then back to the teacher

I frown, looking back to my book, highlighting some important words

Kamnan patted my shoulder making me look at him, raising my eyebrows "Hey uh.. are you free after school?" he asked making me confused

"Yeah, why?" i asked, he smile slightly "Can i treat you dinner tonight?" he said making my eyes widen slightly "O-oh.. yeah sure why not?"

I said almost stuttering. He usually hangs out with me, but I didn't expect him to treat me to dinner tonight

I smiled at him as he did the same. Soon, last class finally ended. I left the classroom with Kamnan

"Soo, what time?" i asked as he look at me "Hm, around 6? or 7pm" he said as I smile, nodding "Okay, see you!" i said as he smile waving goodbye as I did the same

I sigh, walking back to my locker to get my backpack when Zee called me "Nhu.." he said making me turn to look at him "Why?" i asked

"You always seat beside me, why did you not seat with me?" he asked, i frown looking at him, why did he ask me that? "I thought you were with Kylie" i said

"So that's the reason? you think I was with Kylie?" he asked looking at me, pissed

"Why do you even care?" i said, "Because your my friend!" he said "I'm not even your pet that should listen to you!" i shot back as he look at me, irritated

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