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It has been a few days since Mackenzie and Billy were at the lake. Its Saturday and Mackenzie had planned to go and see him and drive for the first time a while. She has not yet patched things up with Steve but she had really missed her best friend and she wished they could talk and maybe they can soon. She needed to tell him that she was sorry and the way she acted. If only Steve knew how much Billy had cared for her and maybe the could talk again without getting into another argument. Mackenzie really needed Steve. Mackenzie slowly gets out of her the comfort of her bed and starts thinking about Billy, she really wanted to spend time with him today. She couldn't get enough of his touch and she wanted to feel his touch. Ever since the night of the lake they have been inseparable and the only thing they wanted to do was touch each other. Just being in each others arms felt right to them. Nothing else around at the time mattered.

Mackenzie pulls her hair up in a bun, she slips on her pants and a plain black t-shirt. She then puts her on her shoes. She brushes her teeth and puts on a little bit of mascara. She walks out of her room and sees that no one is home and that is typical for a Saturday. She knew that Erica was probably with her friends and that Lucas was off somewhere. Billy had told her that his stepmother and father were going to be gone all day and that it was just going to be him and Max home. Mackenzie grabs her keys and walks out the door and uncovers her car. She runs her fingers down up the hood. She had missed driving her car. It was much like Billys but hers was red. She had gotten it when she was 16 after she had got her license.

She slowly gets in it and starts it up. She then backs out of the driveway and drives to Billys house. It takes her 15 minutes or so to get there and she gets out and goes to the door. She raises her hand to knock on the door and Billy answers but his attention is not on her its on her car.

"Is that your car?" He questions her and she giggles but nods her head with a smile. "Why didn't you ever tell me that you had a Camero?" He asks and she looks up at him and shrugs her shoulders.

"Because you never asked." She tells him casually and he chuckles and pull her into the house. He closes the door and pushes her against it. His lips find hers in a brief kiss. He pulls away too quickly for her liking. "No, no more!" She tells him and pulls him back for more. He kisses her a few more times. She giggles and pushes him away slightly. She goes to walk off and he looks at her as she walks away.

"Hey where are you going?" He asks her and she shrugs her shoulders, she goes to Max's door an goes to knock on the door but he pull her away quickly before she can knock.

"No you are mine for the day. No Max!" She giggles and then he pulls her in the living room and kisses her on the lips. She sits down on the couch and crosses her legs. He lights a cigarette and smiles down at her and then he turns on his music and lets it blare through out the house. She sighs and looks up at him.

After about 30 minutes, she sneaks off to go and see Max. She pulls Max into a hug and Max pulls her into her room and she closes the door. Mackenzie and Max both sit down her bed.

"Lucas told me about the upside down. Is any of that true?" Max questions her and Mackenzie looks at her and slowly nods her head. "Lucas also mentioned that El had some type of powers and she was held in the lab here in Hawkins. He isn't making this up to try and impress me is he?" Max questions again and Mackenzie just stares at the younger girl wide eyed. Max snaps her fingers in front of her face when she is just staring at her.

"Yes everything is true. Last year, El showed up and the group discovered that she had weird powers. Lucas had only told me when he was talking to Dustin over the walkie talkie and I made him tell me what was going on. She then died when she was defeating one of them creepy looking creatures. And also when did he tell you all of this?" Mackenzie says and Max sighs looking down.

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